What's it do?
Essentially, PetsPlus makes your companions more interactive by adding a happiness indicator and reputation to each pet in your collection. Pet owners can create new levels of relationships with their pets as they respond to certain emotes and actions. Emote responses for each pet can be further customized and "trained" by the player.
For example, if you /cry while one of your companions is at your side, it may try to comfort you. If you /pet it, it may purr in response and you'll increase its happiness as well as your reputation with it. Feed it a treat and see how it responds! This is a must-have addon for anyone who enjoys role playing (or anyone who just wants a little more interactivity from their little friends).
Beta Version
PetsPlus is in its beta version. Main functionality is complete, however the database of emote responses is not even close to being finished. Alunora's goal is to give certain pets unique responses and personalities as portrayed through their emotes. The database will be updated in future versions to give pets very individualized behaviors.
Your feedback can help!
The addon's development is at a stage where your feedback would be very helpful. Alunora knows that not all pets should "purr" when they're pet. So what should a turtle do? How about a murloc? This is where your suggestions can shine! So please lend your support and message Alunora with your feedback.
This mod shows a lot of promise and it's the most unique pet addon I've seen in a while. Great job, Alunora!