It was recently brought to our attention by a WarcraftPets user that the Savage Cub now performs a new and unique animation.

After further testing, it was discovered that this new interaction works with nearly all of the feline pet models, including less conventional cats (listed below).
However one cat, the Feline Familiar, is finickier than the rest and does not respond to the emote. Perhaps she feels our laps are inferior to her flying broom!
It's speculated that the new animation for feline battle pets was implemented with the release of Patch 6.2. Regardless of when this change occurred, it's a wonderful and fun update to older cat models.
More Pet Interactions

From the Disgusting Oozeling providing a green-colored aura and debuff, to the Searing Scorchling setting fire to nearby critters, there are some pets that have entertaining animations.
Here are just a few other pets to play with.
- Dread Hatchling - A heart appears over its head when the player summons the Raven Lord mount or Dread Raven mount.
- Filthling - Spews liquid onto the player, applying a Filthy buff for 10 seconds which turns the player a brownish-green color.
- Jubling - Drinks from a Dark Iron Ale Mug.
- Mojo - Turns you into a frog when you target it and emote /kiss.
- Pengu and Mr. Chilly - Does a belly slide when you target it and spam the emote /sexy.
- Plump Turkey - "Finds its destiny" when near a campfire. (pictured above right)
- Trunks - Emoting /wave while targeting it will turn you temporarily translucent. (pictured right)

Pet Filter - See all pets with interactions
To view the full list of pets with interactions, check out our Pet Filter. Select "Has Interactivity" under Pet Properties and then Apply Filters.
It's always exciting to come across a brand new animation, especially if they're unexpected as in the case with feline battle pets. New or old — which pet do you enjoy interacting with the most?
Why Feline Familiar? Why don't you love me?!
This and the mirror are probably my two favorite pet-related things added to date. Sadly, though, it looks like the kitties won't lap-sit if you're in any kind of instance, not just LFR. They'll run up to you as if they're about to hop, but then they just stand there and stare at you. :<
I would have thought that the guardian cub would be included too, as it is described as a "tiny winged lion" and is also included in the Crazy Cat achievement
I LOVE the /sit interaction. Sadly it does not seem to work for all races. I could not get it to happen with any of the kitties on my undead female.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work in LFR (HFC). Just when you need the comfort of a kitty on your lap!
I would think that if the sapphire cub works, the Zipao Tiger should as well. Tested, but does not work.
Something I did find very cute, is that you can use the and the /sit with pet targeted to make 2 cats cuddle! SOOOO cute!
One of my top favorites is the interaction between Grunty and the Zergling! Those are both pretty rare, so good luck finding someone to demonstrate for you. I have Grunty, but not the zergling, so it's a real joy when I see someone running around with a zergling--you know a Terran/Zerg battle is about to break loose! (Unfortunately, after much testing, the zergling seems to win about 75% of the time. Grunty just has a hard time getting his gauss rifle ready and aimed fast enough.)
Interactivity makes pets more fun. Nice to see new ones. /sit animation is the same as what Luna does at Sunsong Ranch but instead of puss on log, it's puss on lap.
If I fits I sits. <3 Maybe a Cheezburger meme, but I love it all the same.
My favourites are /bow to my Pandaren Monk and /dance with the Moonkin Hatchling. Shake those tail feathers, tiny boom chicken!