Meet Donna Glee Reim, a.k.a. Grannyglee. At the impressive age of 83, not only is she an avid World of Warcraft player, but she's also quite the pet collector!

Race & Class: Gnome Warlock
Realm & Rank: Kilrogg-EU (#29)
Unique Pets Collected: 505
Real Life Location: Alabama, USA
A Conversation with Grannyglee
We had the opportunity to interview Grannyglee about her WoW playing and pet collecting. Here's what she had to say...

When the ToonTown site closed down, my daughters who had been playing WoW for a long time suggested I try it out. Again, I was a bit nervous and it seemed very overwhelming at first. I was really just staying in the safety of the spawning zone and Stormwind when I stumbled on the pet trainer in Stormwind. It was very exciting when I got my first pet and I started growing my pet collection immediately. I realized in order to get more pets, I would have to brave more challenging areas. With the help of my daughters and through a lot of pet battles, I am now level 100.

I like my pets to be of rare quality and level 25, so I level all of them. I like to use Doodle in Shawdowmoon valley to level my new pets. Doodle doesn’t hit back so the low level pets level fast and don't die. I now have the confidence to go to all the areas by myself, with the only exception being a few spots in DOW.

Sometimes for seasonal pets or pets that only appear at certain times (when it rains for example), I will camp for days. My most recent pet that I had to camp for was the Shadow Sporebat. After I read the forums, I knew he came out after dark so that helped a lot.

I also like running the lower level dungeons with my daughters hoping that a boss will drop a pet. I got the Tideskipper that way and he is really cute with the bubbles and all.

Cheers to GrannyGlee!
Here's to GrannyGlee and her growing pet collection! Keep up the pet collecting and the pet battles, and may Lil' Smoky continue to lead you to victory!

Hi everyone! It has been a year since this article was posted and I thought it would be nice to check in and let you know I have enjoyed all of the support and "hello's" I have recieved over the last year.
Because I had several people ask me to make a video on my Pet leveling strategy, I went ahead and did one. It is posted on my youtube channel and also on my blog.
Thanks for all the feedback and happy hunting!
@Meemo all three of her daughters are over 50. I am one of them :)
Amazing how awesome is this? Started playing with my son when he was 11 (to make sure he was "safe" on the scary online game) now 11 years later I am still playing as is my mother, she is 10 years younger than Grannyglee but still loves WOW and Guild Wars.
Really enjoyed your story. I started playing Wow to bond with my sons 7 years ago. now I'm on more then they are. LOL
I have a lot of WoW friends around my age and older (I'm 50 next year) it's really nice to see things about older gamers!! I have a personal question though for GrannyGlee... how old is your daughter? and do any of your grandkids play? 3 generations of wow'ers... that would be something! I play with my son by the way... and i've been playing longer than him... he's 22!
To all my dear gamers, I am checking in to thank everyone for all the wonderful comments. I feel blessed to have so many people who care. I would like to do a "shout out" to Boban/Vek who sent me the Nightshade Sprouting, Tranquil Mechanical Yeti and Soul of the Forge. Also I would like to thank all the people who have taken the time to say "hi" ingame and send me e-mails. I enjoy hearing from you. ~Donna Glee Reim (aka Grannyglee)
PS I am on Facebook too if you want to friend me :)
Grannyglee, you ROCK! :D
Not only are you a pet collector, but a fellow gnome warlock. Hopefully WoW will still be around when I'm your age and I'll still be as avid a collector as you are. I do wish you were on a US server, though, because I would gadly help fill in some of the pets you're missing from your collection.
A great article about a great collector! Good luck getting them all!
Loved seeing this profile! I thinks its awesome you are enjoying WOW and know it's a great way to keep yourself busy! Hope you have many more years of exciting pet battles ahead! Thanks to warcraftpets for the inspiring showcase of a fellow pet battler/collector!
I really enjoyed this article! I play with my daughter and husband and pet collecting is a big part of WoW for me. I don't play on EU servers so I won't be running in to you, but you're definitely a great ambassador for pet collecting. Happy collecting and hope you get them all!
Congrats to warcraftpets.com for this interview. I found myself happy with the energy and the happiness of this wonderfull Lady!!! congrats to You and your granddaughter for the friendship that bound your life and games. hope i have the same future as you (my 1y old daughter love to see the my female pandarean humter dance with a turtle and Bananas on the side)
ps. sry about the bad english, long time without writting in english.
@Fogcityroller - I chose the EU server because my dear friends, Vid and Karen who are from from England, play WOW and already had established a nice guild on the EU server. Also - it is good to be surrounded by friends who are very supportive. Thank you for asking.
Because of all the wonderful questions I have been receiving, I added my bio on this site. Hope you enjoy reading about me as much as I enjoy reading all the wonderful comments.
Hell yes!! You go Grannyglee! :D
Awesome job Grannyglee, you put my collection to shame! Just curious though, is there a reason you chose an EU server if you live in the states?
What an absolutely delightful article! Blessings to you and your family, Grannyglee. Wishing you happy pet battles and collecting, as well. We'll have lots more cuties to collect in Patch 6.1 (I can't wait!).
Take care, Grannyglee, you sound like such a wonderful person :)
Love this! Cheers to Grannyglee, indeed!
I hope to be this badass when I hit 83 :-)
Is there a way to undo a dislike comment? I've misclicked Esmeralda's comment : (
OMG! This is awesome! Go Grannyglee!