Yes, we're sorry to say that cool as it may be, pet breeding with hybrid offspring is (unfortunately) not coming in WoD. [Insert "Awwww..." here.]
Did you pick up on the clues?
- April Folson, the person we "interviewed." A.F. = April Fool's.
- Our eighth new species, the Weighted Companion Cube, was a callback to our very first April Fool's joke in 2008.
- The date of the post. That was probably the most obvious clue.
Was any of it true?
Yes! In last year's interview with Cory Stockton, Cory did state that pet breeding of some sort is possible down the road, hence the inclusion of pet gender. To learn more about pet gender, check out our Guide to Pet Breeds.
We can only hope that if and when pet breeding comes, it's something truly spectacular... Carpnado would make a nice addition to WoW (though Nat Pagle may not agree).

A Special Thanks
Once again, we'd like to extend a special thanks to Drrum (known in WoW as Michelle De Rum) for providing us with all of the incredible hybrid pet artwork. She is truly a master of her craft. Our joke wouldn't have been possible without her extraordinary design work and wonderful sense of humor.
You can enjoy more of Drrum's creativity at her Gallery of Pets and Mounts.
Share Your Feedback!
Our goal is to make every year's April Fool's joke humorous and memorable. We'd love to hear what you thought of our latest effort.
Feedback: Did you enjoy our 2014 April Fools' Day joke? Were you fooled? Take a few moments to send us your feedback!
Enjoyed the drawings! I play Plants vs Zombies so the Stinging Sunflower is my favorite. If that was in PvZ, it would give the Sunflower the ability to defend themselves against the zombies.