Xu-Fu's Pet Guides is an excellent resource for those extra-tough battles.
Created by Aranesh, the site is maintained by a few members in the Pet Battle community. Their passion for Pet Battles means only the best information and guides for fellow battlers!
Learn how to defeat NPCs in zones dating back to Pandaria, how to complete Pet Battle Dungeons, earn Pet Battle achievements, or learn more about which pets are good in Pet PVP.

Strategies are user-created and tested, and they range from matches using the least number of moves to carrying a low level pet in a trainer encounter. Many guides also include comments and notes that might be useful in especially tough battles.
In addition to guides and strategies, it provides additional features such as TD Scripts and even collection stats.
If you're stumped on a particular trainer battle, look no further than Xu-Fu's Pet Guides. It has a wealth of knowledge that can help in almost any pet encounter!
Is the Xu-Fu site down? I am not able to bring it up.
I can confirm it's a great site! I use it regularly and I managed to succeed in the hardest fights following its strategies!
I'm sorry to say, due to sudden unemployment, I've had to stop my monthly donation for the foreseeable future. I want to thank you for all the hard work and let you know I will continue to support this site again when I can.
An invaluable site, with an innovative and easy to use interface. Has preserved the sanity of many a pet battler! Glad to see it highlighted here.
So glad to see one of my favorite pet-related sites highlighting the other! I refer both to people all the time. Xu-Fu saved me from endless frustration, and made it possible for me to quickly level all my pets to max. Six thumbs up!
This is the best pet guide around!!!!! One of the best parts is all the alt pets you can use and the extra notes to help in ther really tough fights.
I waited a little while before venturing into Gnomeregan so this site could flesh out a bit. There were a few fights listed that had the same pets, but it only took 5-10 minutes to pick the best set of strategies that work consistently, including some backup teams in case they don't.
a brilliant site, one i always guide other collecters too
There is a link on the Homepage of Xu-Fu's Pet Guides for donations via Paypal.
It takes a lot of time and MONEY to run the site. Please consider donating to Aranesh
the creator and site admin of Xu-Fu's Pet Guides.
I agree, it's the best.
I can not thank the creators of the website, it has helped me so much, especially with Celestial Tourny a long time ago! It has been my go to guide these days and I always promote them where possible! :)
This is a fantastic site. Got me through the family fighter achieves on Argus, helping me in Kul Tiras and Zuldazar. Can't recommend it enough!
just amazing, one of my fave ever^^
Gotta say love this site! Especially good for those family fighters achieves
love the site, lots of work tyvm <3
My go to when I need help with a battle! <3
Many thanks for the feature :-)