Among the various topics covered, there was a brief discussion on Pet Battle improvements.

Pet battles is one of those awesome evergreen systems that we would like to, definitely make it easier for players to onboard into. I think we have some plans for looking into that and I'd like to announce today, but we would definitely like to make pet battles continue to be an ongoing evergreen system, that is easy for players to get into and play with. One of the advancements that we did make to the pet battle I know for hardcore pet battlers, in Dragonflight is that the pet battle bonus event is no longer exactly tied with the week that it was. It's now a bonus to other bonus events so that you can have a Super Squirt Day more often. It will no longer be a Super Squirt Day in like two and a half years. It'll come up more frequently.
We'll have to wait and see what exactly "a bonus to other bonus events" means. The good news is that collectors and battlers won't have to wait for the Pet Battle Bonus Event and the Squirt encounter to align (resulting in "Super Squirt Day") in order to efficiently and quickly level battle pets. Hopefully we'll see these bonus days more often in the near future.
Head to Pandaria, and you'll be swimming in bandages and have loads of blue stones in no time if you have a lot of pets to level. 11 fights currently, and one of them is a 1-pet fight for a good start for low-level pets.
People go nuts over 'super squirt'...
I suggest people who want to spam leveling pets catch on to a better leveling experience..In Highmountain Oodorogg (snail fight legion repeatable) is a far better leveling quest. You only need bandages -and unborn valk and a power breed baby ape (yes a pain to get)- If you do it during the pet event it is mind boggling how fast you'll boost your max pet numbers..just try it when the quest appears.
They saw the US Supersquirt schedule and realized that that wasn't working. My guess is that 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 Squirt days will automatically be "Supersquirt" days, both US and EU, and that it will be on the game calendar. Time will tell.