4.1 Patch Notes for Pet Collectors
In case you missed them, here's a list of notable companion pet updates, changes and additions for 4.1.
- 8 new pets have arrived!
- Two new pet achievement tiers have been added: Petting Zoo and Menagerie.
- Two new Archaeology pets have been added: Pterrordax Hatchling (fossil branch) and Voodoo Figurine (troll branch).
- Two new Children's Week quest rewards have been added: Scooter the Snail (Stormwind and Orgrimmar reward) and Legs (Shattrath reward). Note: These pets will not be replacing any of the previously awarded companions. You will still be able to select pre-existing pets as your reward if you have not already chosen them.
- A new Trading Card Game common loot card is now redeemable in-game: Landro's Lichling.
- UPDATE: The United Nations achievement is, unfortunately, still bugged.
- Zul'Aman has been revamped as a heroic 5-man dungeon. Mojo still drops from the instance, however solo-farming might be extremely difficult, if not impossible.
- A new Call to Arms system has been added to the Random Dungeon Finder. Utilizing this feature could yield a vanity pet reward in the Satchel of Exotic Mysteries.
- Blizzard has added an in-game tribute to Drrum, who's NPC namesake sells the Winterspring Cub. To celebrate this honor, Drrum has launched a WoW-related blog where she's running a super-fun Egg Hunt Contest with rare TCG loot card prizes! For details on how to enter, visit Drrum's new blog. Good luck!
- Summoned companions persist through most zoning as well as logging in and out.
- A few pets previously labeled as "Account Bound" have become "Battle.net Account Bound", making it possible to send certain companions across accounts as long as they are under the same Battle.net Account. Note: Players will still need to pay to server transfer characters on a single WoW account to send Battle.net Account Bound pets to characters on another server.
- The Crawling Claw has become Bind on Pick Up (previously Bind on Account).
- New vocalizations have been added to some older pets that previously did not have any on-click sounds.
- Many pets that previously only hovered alongside players have finally learned how to fly!
- Withers and the Teldrassil Sproutling have had their models fixed and no longer look like standard treants.
Whew, what a list! We hope that you're as excited about all the new companions as we are. So what are you waiting for? Patch 4.1 beckons!

As always, if you find a change or update that we may have missed or something in need of a correction, please contact us.