There will be 52 new battle pets to collect in upcoming Patch 9.2! Check out our quick preview of what's to come. As with every PTR, things are subject to change and information/details may not be final.

Pictured above, starting from the top row, left to right:
- Axolotls
- Geodes
- Proto-rabbits
- Proto-elementals
- Proto-snakes
- Proto-snails
- Proto-chickens
- Proto-birds
Pictured below, from the top row, left to right:
- Proto-wasps
- Proto-toads
- Vombatas
- Proto-jellyfish
- Proto-spiders
- Proto-beetles

The majority of these models will come in multiple colors, so this is just an example of the types of battle pets you'll encounter in 9.2. Which pet are you looking forward to collecting the most?
Patch 9.2 - Check out 52 new battle pets
Sources and Pet Families
Collecting pets in 9.2 seems to be fairly straightforward, although we don't know enough about the new profession (Protoform Synthesis) yet.
- Profession - 27
- Wild - 22
- Achievement - 1
- Quest - 1
- Drop (treasure) - 1
And last but not least, the current family breakdown of upcoming collectible pets is as follows:
- Aquatic - 11
- Beast - 12
- Critter - 12
- Dragonkin - 0
- Elemental - 3
- Flying - 9
- Humanoid - 1
- Magic - 4
- Mehcanical - 0
- Unead - 0
It's understandable that Dragonkin wouldn't be found in the new zone of Zereth Mortis - the setting doesn't quite fit the pet family. However, it's a little strange to miss out on Mechanical battle pets considering the otherworldly technological themes of 9.2.
We'll just have to wait and see if anything changes over the course of the PTR.
Is Trub'ul In Trouble?

Does anyone actually like any of these? I know I don't see a single one that makes me think, "oh boy I can't wait to get one of those." Maybe I am missing something (kind of like most of these models seem to be missing parts.)
i just got the last shadowlands pet and 52 more coming? this is non stop collecting :). i'll take it
Not digging the looks of the bulk of the 9.2 battle pets. Apparently saving the good stuff for the store and our $$$.
Boy, I'm really looking forward to a more grounded expansion up next time, assuming the pendulum swings back that way, which is how it traditionally goes.