It's still unknown how players will obtain this battle pet, but it will likely involve participating in the pre-patch in-game event. Currently, the pet is Bind On Pick Up but it can be caged.
We're heading closer and closer to Shadowlands, which means a likely visit to Northrend and the infamous Icecrown Citadel. It's the perfect time to collect more Undead pets, right? We're sure no one will miss a geist or two...

It also involves haing to be PvP'd for the stuff to drop :(
Since I have never done any beta testing for WoW before I was unsure of the events regarding keeping or losing pets. I hope I get to keep him but if not then I have a reason to LIVE..well to at least play more oftern.
@Grarn But in PTR or in Live when start the event pre launch? Or now in Live?
The pet is on the Argent Crusade quartermaster. Cost is 50 of the currency that drops from the mobs, which doesn't seem widely out of line from the rest of the items they sell, the armor sets are 25 per piece, so 200 for a set.
The pet, I assume that is tied to pre event launch in Release version (not for play in Beta Realms). Maybe the pre event will be 15 days before October 27th.
So I am assuming that if we get this pet during Beta we will keep it when we go Live in October?
When have we ever kept something from a wiped beta account to retail live?
So I am assuming that if we get this pet during Beta we will keep it when we go Live in October?