UPDATE #2: Blizzard has resolved this issue. Thanks for your patience.

Patch 8.2 is live this week. There are many new pets to collect, a new Pet Dungeon to conquer, and more. [source]
Many New Pets
Rise of Azshara patch adds 90 new pets! Here's a quick summary:
- 41 dropped
- 31 wild
- 7 from vendors
- 4 from the new Pet Dungeon vendor
- 3 achievement rewards
- 2 crafted
- 2 quest rewards
Check out all Patch 8.2 pets!
Pets that come from the new raid, The Eternal Palace, and the megadungeon, Operation: Mechagon, will not be available at the launch of Patch 8.2. Collectors will need to wait for both of these zones to open on July 9, 2019.
With the addition of so many new pets, we're still in the process of updating our database. We'll continue to include new images, alternate skins, breeds, updated maps and more to the site as Patch 8.2 unfolds.
Some users may experience an error when importing their collection due to issues with the Blizzard API. We're currently looking into this, however it may need to be addressed on Blizzard's end.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Stratholme Pet Dungeon
Patch 8.2 adds an all new Pet Dungeon — Stratholme! [source]
The Stratholme Pet Dungeon contains 11 stages of nostalgic scenery and spooky encounters with a mix of Undead, Magic, Dragonkin, and Beast pet families.
Complete Normal mode to unlock Challenge mode, and earn the achievement Pet Battle Challenge: Stratholme plus Minimancer upon finishing the latter.
New to this Pet Dungeon:
- 4 purchasable pets (up from 3) using the Stratholme Pet Dungeon currency, Cleansed Remains
- All vendor pets are Bind On Pick Up and not cageable
- A hidden encounter and achievement, Malowned, that rewards the pet Burnout (pictured right)
- A World Quest (or weekly quest, it's unclear at the moment) that pops up while inside that requires battlers to defeat Fras Siabi's pet team; rewards an additional Cleansed Remains
Learn more: Stratholme Pet Dungeon Overview
UPDATE: Battlers have discovered how to collect Burnout from the Stratholme Pet Dungeon!
Find and click on a letter on the ground while inside the scenario to unlock a mailbox. Interacting with this special mailbox will summon the NPC and his team. Defeating him awards the achievement and the pet! For more details, check out this post.
Naga, Mechagnomes, and Pets!

Earn the achievement Team Aquashock and collect the adorable baby naga, Kelpfin, by capturing one of each wild pet from Nazjatar and Mechagon on top of defeating each of the legendary "boss pet" battles found in the zones.
Nazjatar & Mechagon Pet Achievements and Battles
There are many more pets to discover from Nazjatar and Mechagon, including drops from rare mobs, reputation rewards, new vendor pets, and even pets from hidden treasures.
Whether you're interested in battling, collecting, or both, Patch 8.2 has something for everyone. Travel into Stratholme or head out to Nazjatar and Mechagon and start your next Pet Battle adventure!
There is no doubt in my mind; it's a Gnome, not Vulpera
Either the letter for Malowned is not guaranteed, or its very easy to miss. 2nd run (normal + challenge) and I've looked at every crate, every junk item, bushes in every tree... no letter :(
Looking at the portrait of the 2 shadowy figures at the end of the stratholme dungeon. To me it looks / sounds like one is a blood elf male and the other one seems to be a vulpera. What do you guys think?
We're aware of the import bug. Our lead web developer has submitted a report to Blizzard, so we're waiting to hear back. It's possible it's an issue on Blizzard's end (API outage when 8.2 released).
In the meantime, try this workaround to get your WarcraftPets collections up-to-date. Apologies for the inconvenience.
@Richdawg: You can find a printable checklist for the new 8.2 pets here - https://www.warcraftpets.com/account/checklist/
You can fix the problem with disapearing collection by changing your character to one have not logged on with since before 8.2 came out.
There is a thread about it here https://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=18366
Anyone found a printable list of the new battle pets? I like to check them off as I get them.
I'm having a similar problem - I updated and every pet disappeared from my collection. I also tried switching the character it updates from to the opposite faction on a different server and it didnt fix it. Can I provide any more information to help with this problem?
I'm only showing 2 pets of my 1100, when selecting the 'update collection'
Thanks for the write-up, Quintessence!