It's unclear if there are additional prerequisites, such as level 25 Artifact Knowledge or artifact weapon level 35.
Crackers has a fun and unique interaction. Target this pet and emote /whistle, and it will sit on your character's shoulder! (pictured right) This will work for any class, not just Rogue.
Pet Battle Dungeon Achievement

This achievement is earned after players complete the challenge version of the Pet Battle Dungeon (no healing or reviving while inside).
The reward for the achievement is a new pet, Son of Skum (pictured right), which happens to also be one of the pet "boss" encounters you'll find while running the dungeon!
Death Knight and Monk Pet Updates

Keep in mind that this content is previewed from the PTR and is subject to change.
These pets can be purchased by max level players from a vendor found within the respective Order Hall. Each pet costs 10k Order Resources, and is BoP and not cageable.
Although these are pets sold by a vendor, purchasing them is not that simple.
In order to even view the pets on the vendors, players must first complete their class mount questline.
According to Blizzard's 'What's Next' recap from BlizzCon of last year, the class mount quests will only be available after players complete the Broken Shore intro-scenario and quests, and have earned max Legionfall reputation.
After completing the class mount storyline and unlocking the class pets on the vendor, players must then rank up their artifact weapon to level 43. This includes empowering the weapon, and learning the new artifact traits coming in Patch 7.2.
Check out Wowhead's guide to empowering artifact weapons in 7.2 for more information on the process of progressing your weapon further.
Monks will need to earn the achievement Power Ascended before they can buy their class pet, Ban-Fu, Cub of Ban-Lu (pictured above).

Death Knights must empower and unlock all traits for all three artifact weapons. The ability to purchase each of the three new whelpling battle pets is tied to the corresponding weapon:
- Maw of the Damned - Blood Whelpling
- Blades of the Fallen Prince - Frost Whelpling
- Apocalypse - Unholy Whelpling
A Rogue pet, Crackers, is currently listed in the PTR Pet Journal, but it's still unknown how this companion will be obtained.
Check out all 7.2 datamined pets
These new class pets will likely be long-term goals for many collectors and will require a substantial time investment. Will you be going after these pets?
Farming for weeks and weeks on a class/spec you don't even want to play is just an unreasonable and ridiculous grind. Definitely won't be getting the DK or monk pets, sadly.
Hideous. Now they've brought the grind to the pet world. The grind for Druid and Demon Hunter/Warlock was bad enough. I just don't see me going through all of this for a couple pets. Very disappointed.
The breakdown by class for pets is
Monk after mount ques tafter 7.2
Are Hunters getting a pet I think it is unfair if they do not
These grinds aren't that bad guys, there's much worse. But, a little relief, the pets (and other power ascended items) are now each 1000 resources instead of 10k, and I think a lot are forgetting about the catch-up mechanics coming in 7.2 that make these grinds hugely less daunting than they seem atm.
I agree with all the comments here this is too much. I don't mind raising an alt to 105 and doing a moderate questline for the druid, but class pets should not be this difficult to get. If you have any way of getting this information on the comments here to Blizzard please relay our sentiments.
I love pet collecting, but this is the end for me of trying to get the whole set. Getting that deep into every class is just ridiculous.
Are these grinds for a Legendary pet or for a normal rare pet?
If it is a back breaking grind, then...
It is quite possible I wont even try to get any of these pets. Sadly.
Even the second tier of PvP pets are a long grind already.
PvP players might have it easier on these PvP pets tho?
How the Shamans got the class pet, that was a nice way.
I have one spec on each of my toons. I don't like healing, never have. The majority of what they are expecting for the new pets are out of my realm of possibliliy. I have a hard time now getting excited about doing the world quests over and over again. It's enough of a grind to get resources enough for just doing missions. For a non-raiding, non-pvp, non-dungeon running person who enjoys leveling, crafting, and pet collecting, this has gotten to be a nightmare already. I play the game to relax.
I agree its too much, I am a casual player that is(was?)#1 on KT as a pet collector. It is just too much. I will not be doing all 3 weapon paths on any of my toons. I must finally give up the one thing I really excelled at on wow and forget the pets that require dungeons that are not cageable and pets that require me to do class lines like healing that I do not do. For selfish me, this is not acceptable.
I added my feedback to the PTR thread. I fear it won't be enough, but I highly encourage everyone here to please, please go do the same. More collectors need to speak up about this, or it will simply appear that we're the noisy minority and the majority are ok with this path.
Too much for a re-skin pet. not much unique about them it seems. So far this x-pac is too much work for no real pay out. I find myself playing less now then I did.
Well this is really taking the fun out of getting these pets.. I really want to have them but this isn't fun... I want to have them all but these pets I will put in the category unabtainable
I was already being turned off to pet collecting due to the alliance/horde PvP pets that I would have to grind out multiple ranks of prestiege on 2 factions. Then these types of pets are in the works? If those go live I think I will be done with pet collecting as it becomes far far more work than I feel is worth the reward. I can understand some pets being hard to obtain, and some impossible to obtain due to limited amounts of them availble (Vanilla CE, Murky, Tyrael, etc.). This is too much.
So many points, so little space:
EDIT: The link expired. Blah.
I'm not talking about HotS (they've added a mount too, have you seen that?) only because I believe it would require reaching to someone more than merely the WoW team.
Being addicted to this stupid game AND wanting to have some semblance of a life is hard enough. Grind is one thing, but Legion is just wearing me down. Max levelling every class I do as a matter of course, eventually, but if Blizzard expect me/us to create a dozen max-levelled, max rep, max geared mains just to get our pets/mounts, they are bloody crazy. I will walk away from the game forever before I will let my OCPD destroy my life to that level. That insane level of committment is NOT a game!
I was already disheartened by the current PvP honor grind for pets, but this potential alt leveling/AP/questing grind really sucks all of the fun out of pet collecting for me. At least if these pets were cageable it would seem a tiny bit more collector friendly.
I don't mind a reasonable grind once a time (insane), but this looks en feels realy INSANE to me.
At least these classes are getting pets. As a priest I feel a little left out.
Not that I'll be able to get any of the other class pets, I don't have time to play alts...
I agree that this is getting crazy. I love collecting but not to this extent. Feels like apunishment or something. Please go post on the ptr forums. Only 24 posts there so far. Blizz will never pay attention if we don't at least say someething.