New Pets In 7.1
27 new pets were discovered on the 7.1 PTR. A large number of these new pets will be part of Raiding With Leashes IV: Wrath of the Lick King.

- 16 Raiding With Leashes pets from Ulduar, Trial of the Crusader, and Icecrown Citadel, most of which have fun idle animations/interactions!
- Plus another pet that also drops in Trial of the Crusader but is not part of the achievement
- A new pet as the reward from the Raiding With Leashes IV quest (see below for more information)
- 4 baby falcosaurus pets (pictured above)
- 2 world event pets, one from Midsummer Fire Festival and the other from Noblegarden
- 2 PVP prestige pets
- Last but not least, a new pet that drops from Torn Sack of Pet Supplies — could there be a new Pet Battle daily or weekly in 7.1?
Check out all 27 datamined pets
A Cosmic Pet Battle
Collectors will be glad to hear that a new chapter of Raiding With Leashes will be released in the next content patch.
Unlike previous iterations of this achievement, completing the Wrath of the Lich King version will not directly reward a pet.
Instead, players will receive an item through the in-game mail. The Celestial Invitation will start a quest that takes you to just outside of Ulduar for a special Pet Battle encounter.

It would seem that Algalon has taken up Pet Battling during his free time, and has managed to collect three legendary Elite pets!

Defeat him in a Pet Battle and your reward will be Stardust, an adorable celestial bunny.
Are you ready to battle this celestial watcher's pets? The match is sure to be a tough one. You're fighting a cosmic Pet Battler afterall!
Zandalari Kneebitter S/S - against (Comet) the celestial dragonling
Black claw, Hunting Party, Bloodfang, then Black Claw till forced swap or dead.
Direhorn Runt H/H - against (Cosmo) the celestial rabbit
Stampede, Trihorn Charge
Infested Bear Cub – against (Constellatius) the celestial hippo
Hibernate on cool down, and pass all other rounds
I cannot wait!!! Who doesn't need a lil Stardust in their life eh?
Oh by the stars am I ready for this
Super excited for RWL: wrath edition. It's been waaaay too long since the last raiding with leashes installment- and some of the drops are pretty cool.
A celestial pet battle is inspired, I love this! I can't wait to see this in-game :D
Loving this!
Are the PvP prestige pets new pets over and above the Horde and Alliance Enthusiasts? I hope not! I won't look forward to grinding honor every patch!
Really excited to see this news come out! I can't wait to start collecting these :)
@Ringo: I put together a preview of the RWL IV idle animations on my blog. Some pets are even color-changers!
Not all of them have a unique animation so it's possible that they're still a Work In Progress.
Where do you see the interactions? I'm not seeing anything in Wowhead. (And I'm really hoping the squires mock-battle, or the prestige demons do.)
Woo hoo! :)
Yay can't wait!
To quote Tychus here. Hell... It's about time!
No words to express how happy I am to finally have a reason to run ICC other than crushing my hopes and dreams...