Two new pets were added in the latest 6.2 PTR build — Cinder Pup and Shard of Cyrukh. [source]

"A group of tiny fiery puppies was spotted deep within Blackrock Foundry. If we save them, we may be able to raise them."
We hope the Cinder Pup will get along well with the Cinder Kitten!
List of all 6.2 PTR datamined pets

According to Twitter user @Mononic1, the treasure containing the Shard of Cyrukh is located south-east of Throne of Kil'jaeden. Once this area is unlocked for you, keep an eye out for a glowing yellow crystal jutting out of the ground (pictured below).
Update On Crusher

This pet will be available from Trader Araanda (A) and Trader Darakk (H), found inside the Town Hall in your garrison. Crusher will cost 1000 gold and is Bind on Use.
True to the boy's original concept art, Crusher wields a little pickaxe when summoned out (pictured right).

First thing I bought in the new garrison on the PTR ♥ Crusher :) {hope he carries over to live game}
The little guy draw a stone golem and we have an Ore Eater with a pick :/
I'm so excited for the cinder pup and this lefty shark, but WOW, WoW! putting in Crusher is SOOO beyond awesome! I will be buying that one ASAP! Hope that kid follows his dreams and goes far!
"Found wandering in a small blizzard, this lost goren carries a mining pick to show that he is a jack of all trades."
Omg... Cinder Pup looks sooo cute! Now I really can't wait for 6.2. So many new pets and mounts :) Almost got enough charms saved for all the pets and toys the new vendor will be selling too.
I'll take one of each please!!!! SO EXCITED!!! Also saving up my charms!
I wish I had an Ore Eater to go with Crusher.
Awww love these!!
Awww, I was hoping Crusher would look more like the little boy's picture. Where are the spikes on his back?
The cinder pup is awesome. A good complement to the Molten Korgi.
Cinder Pup! Whoo-hoo!
I totally love it when Blizz does soemthing like the new pet the budding blizzard designer penciled out. Just imagine the look on this kids face when he sees it.
Totall made my day.
Hooray for Crusher!! So cool that they added that pet in. The super adorable conversation that started it all can be found here, and here.