The Right Place For a Left Shark?

This awkward yet lovable shark was first seen at the Super Bowl XLIX halftime show. During Katy Perry's performance, there was a less than zealous dancer dressed in a shark costume to Perry's left and he was quickly dubbed the "left shark".
Although it's not yet in the Pet Journal on the PTR, Wowhead has datamined the Left Shark's entry. Its in-game description is more Iron Horde-related than pop culture.
"Who would leave such a cute shark behind? The Iron Horde truly has no soul.
If the Iron Horde have no desire to keep him, we can think of some pet collectors who wouldn't mind adopting this shark. Perhaps Left Shark can show us some of his moves; currently he prefers swimming (or is it dancing?) to the left.
An Aspiring Developer
The second pet that was recently added to the PTR is Crusher.
This pet was spawned from a conversation on Twitter, in which a mother shared with @BlizzardCareers that her seven year old son wanted to be a developer at Blizzard when he grows up. So much so that he dressed up as one for "Future Day" at school!

This pet is not yet in the Pet Journal on the PTR, but Wowhead has datamined its entry. Crusher's flavor text is a heartwarming reminder of this pet's origins.
"Found wandering in a small blizzard, this lost goren carries a mining pick to show that he is a jack of all trades."
Triumphant In Tanaan
An achievement for defeating all of the new "boss pets" was implemented on the PTR. Tiny Terrors in Tanaan requires you to defeat all 14 of the new legendary pet encounters scattered across the jungle.
These NPCs received an update in the latest PTR patch, and now have legendary stats. The majority of them have a complete moveset, but they are still a work in progress, of course.
They have also been relocated and are no longer bunched up on Tanaan's southern coastline. Each pet has a unique location, and to reach some of them you'll need to maneuver around level 100 elites. Perhaps part of the "tiny terror" challenge is simply getting to them!
All it takes is a gamer Mom and/or Dad to make a mini geek. :)
Shark model looks like a Thresher Shark.
@Aurmith from sideways it looks like Katy is the shark. She sometimes likes to go swimming in pools, so she's also a pool shark.
Actually, Left Shark was on Katy's right, as far as Katy was concerned. But looking at her, he was to the viewer's left.