A Preview of Pets to Come
We're ready for more pets and the upcoming content patch looks very promising! Not counting Graves, which was included in a previous PTR patch, Patch 6.2 will have at least 13 new pets.

List of all 6.2 PTR datamined pets
Tanaan Jungle will finally be open for exploration, and there you'll find four new wild pets to collect (pictured above).
- Bloodbeak
- Cerulean Moth
- Fen Crab
- Violet Firefly
There will be another pet from Tanaan Jungle, one you won't want to miss. According to the PTR Pet Journal, the quest "A Fel Puppy Of My Own" will reward an adorable Fel Pup!
Speaking of puppies, you'll find a new vendor at the garrison Menagerie in Patch 6.2. Tiffy Trapspring (A) and Giada Goldleash (H) have brand new pets and items for sale, including another precious pup!

- Bloodthorn Hatchling
- Dusty Sporewing
- Glowing Sporebat
- Lost Netherpup
New Toys for You and Your Pets
Don't forget to save up charms for the three new toys. Surprise your Perky Pug with an Indestructible Bone which will cost 50 Pet Charms, or for 100 Pet Charms cast a spooky, spectral spell on your pet using the Spirit Wand (pictured right).
Better yet, use the Magic Pet Mirror (costs 500 Pet Charms) to look just like your summoned pet!
New Darkmoon Faire Pets
You'll be able to purchase two more new pets from a vendor, but you'll have to wait until the Darkmoon Faire is in town.

The Darkmoon Faire has been an endless supply of pets, and recently achievement rewards. Patch 6.2 will have a new achievement, complete with a familiar pet reward.
Hogs will make his triumphant return and players will finally be able to collect him. We hope you're good at the Whack-a-Gnoll mini-game, though. You'll need to earn the achievement That's Whack! to secure Hogs in your collection.
A New Pet Honoring Nethaera
Last but not least (we've saved the best for last!) a special tribute pet to Blizzard Community Manager Nethaera will be available in 6.2.

Once you've given your best cheer, Nethaera's Light will burst with a small firework (pictured right) and this glowing candle will be added directly to your Pet Journal.
Unfortunately Nethaera's Light cannot battle. Her warm, gentle glow has much more pressing matters to attend to, such as guiding and bringing joy to adventurers all over Azeroth.

trying to get Netheara's light a bit now.. I cheer. But I don't get anything..
Anyone looking for Nethaera's Light , I suggest you make a /target macro and fly all over Dalaran. She was not easy to see even with the target. Once I 'tamed' her she despawned. I can only guess that means she will respawn in a different spot but I can't be sure. I don't know if I can see her anymore now that I have her. Good Luck :)
For those concerned about the Whack-A-Gnoll game achievement, here are some tips: Move your camera directly above your character, and zoom out as far as you can. This gives a better view of the barrels. Also, pick a character with a running-speed boost (DK or Hunter are nice). If a Hogger pops, prioritize it over regular gnolls. I have finished with plenty of time to spare with these two tips. I have high hopes at getting 45 pretty quick after it launches.
Anyone else disappointed that the pets from the "Legendaries" consist of 2 Spore pets? I find them incredibly lacking, tbh.
I am concerned about getting the hogs pet from dm faire. I have done the whack game many times and have only hit 30 once or twice. Hitting 45 in one session is going to be very hard. I think this is going to be very difficult since I dont see a way to "cheat" like you can in the race games by using buffs to skip entire sections of the race. Will have to wait and see I guess but I can see myself spending a lot of time Whacking lol.
I have thousands of pet tokens, so that will be easy. Although I did sort of stop battling the menagerie now that you don't get experience anymore, and it no longer is exciting and you no longer get pets.
It's kind of become sad.
According to the screenshot over here, it'll be 400 for all of the pets, 500 for the mirror, and another 150 for the toys, so 1050 in total, if you want everything.
Yup, looks like I might as well start hoarding charms. According to Perks n Peeves, looks like we'll need 400 for the 4 new pets from the vendor.
Anyone know how much the new pets off the vendor will cost? I use my charms sparingly, so I think I have some 1500 some odd charms.
Well, time to get back to grinding out pet charms! Glad I've been hoarding them.
So many fantastic additions coming. I have a feeling the mirror will have a special place in my hotbar. Though now I wonder if it'll stack with World Enlarger / World Shrinker...
Hopefully this time Hogger pet will make it to live :)
pets look great but are they going to raise the limit on max number of pets
Woah 45 points ... "That's Whack!" lol Hope I have it in me.
Thanks for the heads up to start saving charms!
OOf I need to stop upgrading uncommons to rares with my pet charms and start saving!
Can't wait for all these new pets! I knew having lots of level 3 Menageries to hoard Pet Charms would pay off one day! ^_^