In the upcoming patch, three new rare elites can be found in Nagrand.
Travel to Highmaul and enter the non-instanced area to find three rare elite ogres, each of which has a chance to drop a different pet (pictured above).
List of all 6.2.1 PTR datamined pets
According to Blizzard Watch, the pets are personal loot and are not guaranteed to drop. All three manafiends are Bind On Use and can be caged.
Stay tuned to find out if Patch 6.2.1 will have even more pets to collect!
I wonder when Blizzard will update the maximum number of pets you can have in your journal. There seem to be 752 pets in the game, if you have a few with different breeds or need some for leveling new ones, the current maximum of 999/1000 seems too low for me. We can now carry more than 200k Apexis Crystal, up from I think 30k, why not allow more than 1000 pets?
I'm guessing these pets will have the same shimmering effect Hanos, Manos, and Fatos have. Explains why we're getting a copy of the Kirin Tor Familiar as we already have a copy of Manos (Servant of Demios).
Agreed with all. The reskins are a bit sad. But nonetheless I will happily collect these cuties.
All B/B and only one ability different between them.
Not a guaranteed drop, eh? People pretty much don't wait for anyone else to get there before someone pulls and kills, so this will be interesting. Good to see getting them via AH is viable. Time to start saving, heh.
Put them in Nagrand, but don't make them at all connected with the Throne of Elements, because that would just be crazy!
I would really like to see a completely new model, getting a tad fed up of all the 'Let's just give it a new skin' thing they seem to be doing. But hey, I'm still going to get these.
Aw, the middle one looks just like Kirin Tor Familiar :-(