Here are the highlights of Patch 5.3. For a full list of all the changes, check out the official 5.3 patch notes.
20 New Pets to Collect!
- 10 new pets that drop from three Burning Crusade raids - Tempest Keep, Karazhan, and Serpentshrine Cavern. Upon collecting all of them, you'll receive a pet reward!
- There's a new pet with a unique interaction, but it's not available yet and it's unknown when it will be released.
- 3 new pets from bosses in the Throne of Thunder raid, one of which only comes from the LFR version of the instance, while another can only drop from Normal or Heroic mode.
- Lend your aid to the Darkspear Rebellion to gain access to the quartermaster who sells a baby hydra!
- 2 new drops from creatures on the Isle of Giants and Isle of Thunder.
- Enjoy pet PVP? There's a new reward for winning 250 battles with a team of max level pets. Let's rumble!
View All New Pets
In addition to all of the pets mentioned above, a new elusive wild pet can be found in the farthest continent of Azeroth. Be on the look out for the Unborn Val'kyr!
This undead companion can spawn in any zone in Northrend, and in a recent interview with Game Diplomat, Mumper confirmed that player actions (other than capturing or killing the Unborn Val'kyr) have no affect on this pet's spawn. [source]
The Unborn Val'kyr may defeat many a foe, but it also has the ability to give life, not just take it. When summoned outside of a battle and brought near a deceased non-battling critter, this dark angel will breathe life back into the dead!
New Features and Changes
- Family-specific Battle-Stones are now BoA!
- The Pet Journal will save your pet ability selections for each pet, even when you switch pets in and out of your current team.
- The world map shows the locations of Pet Tamers with a green paw marker.
- There's a new achievement for completing all Tamer dailies in one day. This achievement rewards a BoA Battle-Stone, Marked Flawless Battle-Stone.
- There are new Pet PVP achievements and rewards.
- New Pet PVP weekly that rewards Valor Points and the new Brawler's Pet Supplies.
- Your statistic window pane now tracks wins from queued Pet PVP matches.
- You can spectate wild pet battles and pet battle duels. Matches against Tamer NPCs are not visible.
- The Beasts of Fable daily has been split up into three parts, all of which can be completed daily. Each quest rewards Fabled Pandaren Pet Supplies.
- The Beasts of Fable reward bags have a chance to drop a Pet Treat. Talk about an incentive for your pets (and you) to earn those levels!
- You now have a chance to loot family-specific flawless Battle-Stones from the Pandaren Spirit daily bags.
- Pandaria Pet Battle quests also reward Lesser Charms of Good Fortune and Valor Points.
- Experience is now rewarded for all Pet Battle quests.
- Not having much luck finding a Battle-Stone from the daily bags or wild battles? A new feature to slowly increase your chances to find a Battle-Stone has been implemented.
- Pets have an increased chance to hit higher level opponents, and many attacks have had their damage increased at the cost of accuracy.
- Many pet abilities have been updated and changed.
- The Tiny Carp companions can now be caged and traded. Happy fishing!
Whether you enjoy Pet PVP, PVE or both, this patch is loaded with goodies for everyone. Time to get collecting and battling!