Guardians of the Dream is live this week, and there are many new pets to collect! [source]
New Pets
Patch 10.2 brings us 29 new collectible pets. Here is a quick summary:
- 9 purchasable from vendors
- 9 wild pets
- 6 drops
- 3 achievement rewards
- 2 quest rewards
Note that many of the pets sold by vendors in the new zone will require reaching various Renown levels with the new faction, the Dream Wardens.
Check out new pets in 10.2!

Three additional pets, Aura, Mitzy, and Time-Lost Salamanther (pictured above), are currently not listed in the Pet Journal. However, datamining has revealed that they will likely be from the Trading Post in the future. We'll be adding these three to WarcraftPets when they're released, we can't wait!
New Achievements
There are a few new achievements that are either pet-related or reward a new pet.

- Emerald Dream Safari
- Friends In Feathers (rewards Blueloo)
- Don't Let the Doe Hit You On the Way Out (rewards Ivy)
- Ducks In A Row (rewards Sergeant Quackers)
The first achievement is straight forward: capture the new wild pets in the Emerald Dream. Unfortunately, it doesn't reward a pet.
'Friends In Feathers' does have a pet reward, however players will need to wait for a specific World Quest ("Claws For Concern") to pop up in order to complete the achievement.
The final two achievements require two encounters in the new raid, Amirdrassil, on Normal difficulty or higher.
New Twitch Drop

Starting November 7, 2023 (10:00 a.m. PST) to November 14, 2023 (10:00 a.m. PST), players can add Dottie (pictured right) to their collection by linking their Bnet account to their Twitch account, and then watch any World of Warcraft Twitch stream for at least four hours.
@eggy car Exciting news for pet collectors! Patch 10.2 includes 29 new pets, new achievements, and even a Twitch drop.
The first achievement is straight forward: capture the new wild pets in the Emerald Dream. Unfortunately, it doesn't reward a snow rider 3d pet.
I have read your post very carefully and I just want to say that the information you shared is really great and I have learned a lot from it. fnf
Mitzy is purchaseable in December Trading post and the previously datamined adorable pink baby Moose Buttercup is the December reward for completing the trading post for December :)
All Emerald Bounty and Dream Infusion pets are now cageable as of this week's reset (week of November 14) *cheers*
None of the new zone's pets are tradeable. What is Blizzard thinking? Driving away battle pet collectors now?
lets hope they make the last 2 pets achievable in Raid Finder like Will of Remornia - Othewrwise, its going to be a long time before I add those two to my collection
lets hope they make the last 2 pets achievable in Raid Finder like Will of Remornia - Othewrwise, its going to be a long time before I add those two to my collection.
I am afraid those non-cageable raid pets are to stay forever :( Nothing has been changed with Will of Remornia or Micronax, which were never made cageable and are now very difficult to obtain.
We'll see how long they stick it out with making the pets non-cageable and only available from normal and harder raids. I'd bet on one or both of those conditions changing.