Patch 10.0.7 is live this week and there are new battle pets to collect and battles to overcome. [source]
New Pets
19 new pets have been added in the latest content patch.
The majority of pets can be found on the new zone, The Forbidden Reach. Kill rares, loot treasures, and even head into the Zskera Vault to find new companions to join your adventures.

The final pet included in this patch is the Volatile Self-Driving Toolbox (pictured right). This pet is a new reward from the Recruit-A-Friend program. We'll be adding this pet to our database as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we'll see you on The Forbidden Reach!
New World Quests & Achievements
Want to challenge your newly found pets? 10.0.7 brings an excellent quality of life change. Each Dragon Isles zone will now have one Pet Battle World Quest up per day, instead of only one active for the entire island.
Additionally, there are 8 new World Quests to complete on the Dragon Isles, plus four Pet Battle "Bosses" on The Forbidden Reach. Completing all of these will award the achievements Battle on the Dragon Isles II and Global Swarming.
The Forbidden Reach "Boss" pet encounters have an additional reward — a collectible pet that corresponds with the elemental pet you defeat!
Independent of the other Dragon Isles Pet Battle World Quests, one of four possible elemental Pet Battle World Quests will be active each day on The Forbidden Reach.

These are unique battles as the elite pet NPC has three difficulty/quality levels: Legendary, Epic, and Rare, with each NPC starting at Legendary.

Everyone in the same phase will see the same difficulty, and each player can assist in lowering the quality of the "Boss" pet by defeating nearby enemy pets. Weakening the "Boss" to Rare and then completing the World Quest will reward a pet.
Difficulty regenerates over time, so don't linger around too long (roughly 10 to 20 minutes) without completing the World Quest, otherwise you'll need to go through the process of weakening the elemental again. Or you can always test your pet team against the elemental NPC in its most difficult state.

Subway Surfers hoverboard surfing feature is such a cool twist! Adds so much fun to the gameplay.