A Stylish New Look
Our homepage has been updated to provide the very latest in pet-related news, plus the latest information circulating the pet collecting community. Getting your daily pet-fix has never been easier!
You'll also enjoy a prominent, user-friendly navigation bar that's chock-full of useful links and dropdown menus. This should provide you with a smoother and faster browsing experience.

Searching For Pets
Looking for a pet in a specific pet family?
We've broken down the 10 official pet families into logical subcategories, making it much easier to find the companions you're seeking.
We've also included new filters with many of our tools. For example, you now have the option to view wild pets by zone or filter exclusively for wild pets that fly.
All-New Pet Profiles
Pet profiles have a whole new look as well. They're sporting more information than ever, with updated source tooltips, pet levels for wild pets, links to companions with similar models, and even images of all the possible skins a capturable pet can have.
Not only do we include general details on companions, but each profile also features a Battle Info tab. Curious about what battle abilities Chuck has and at what level each attack unlocks? The Battle Info tab has all that information and more!
Pet Collections and Rankings
Whereas it was once important to add all your characters to our site, now 99% of your collection is account-wide, shared among all your characters. Maintaining a collection on just two characters will be more than enough for most of you.
The only pets that aren't account-wide are those that are faction-specific, like the Guild Page and Moonkin Hatchling. These can only be summoned by members of the appropriate faction.
So if you're looking to maximize your total pet count for our account-wide Top 50 Collections list, you'll want at least two characters on your WarcraftPets account (one Horde and one Alliance). As long as you have both factions represented, our collection updating tools will automatically add any faction-specifc pets to the appropriate characters on your account. And that will help to improve your overall rank.
What's to Come?
Over the course of the next couple of months, we'll continue to update the site with more information on companions, including a special tool that will appear in every battle pet's profile—Stats per Level.

This feature will offer a dropdown to select a companion's quality and a slidebar to select its level, revealing hundreds of combinations of its base stats. You'll easily be able to see how well a pet will scale as it levels up. This can come in handy when planning out your Pet Battle teams!
Thank You
We'd like to say a big thank you to our community and users for all the assistance and support you've given us as we gathered the information necessary to update our site. WarcraftPets would not be where it is today without you. You have our sincerest thanks!