Players can collect this pet by completing a quest chain that starts on an iceberg in Grizzly Hills (coordinates: 18.4 88.2).
A Glimmerfin Scout NPC will spawn, and drop a quest item on the ground. Note that sometimes the NPC doesn't leave behind a quest, however the respawn time is fairly short (around 5 minutes). Wait for another spawn and the quest should appear eventually.
A flying mount and a water mount (water-breathing is provided from one of the quests) are invaluable for collecting items and defeating monsters during this short adventure. There's even a Pet Battle encounter! (Battle scales with the highest level pet on your active team.)
Do all of this, aid the Glimmerfin, and Glimr will be rewarded for completing the final task of this quest chain.
Check out Wowhead's full Glimr walk-through for more details.
This little murloc is a wonderful and unexpected surprise. We're ecstatic to welcome Glimr to the battle pet family!
Many of the items and things gathered are in fatigue areas of the zone, which is not right. They need to extend it if they are making it quest related.
Just use an UNDERWATER MOUNT... seahorse type, and youll be fine...
Best done on a Druid for sure no having to keep getting mounted up on aqua mounts....
don't depend on the water breathing potion
The hardest part is picking up the starter quest due to all the griefers...
Elune praise the Band Of Icy Depths I've carried in my bags for 15+ years.
Took a fatigue death but could prob avoid it with a smarter route to one of the three seaweeds. If you've got a +swim speed potion/buff you'll have no trouble.
Pet battle is no drama. Fell over to Ikky, and mopped up with one hit from Teroclaw. None of the mobs will cause any issues, just be aware of a melee-reflect buff on the final one... but didn't trouble my rogue, just kept a HoT up.