New Reward
Although there aren't any new companions for completing the seasonal quests, there is a new possible reward, Magical Pet Biscuits.
Each of the three Children's Week quest chains has the option of 25 pet biscuits as the final reward, or your choice of pets from previous years.
Using these biscuits will have the same enlarging effect on your vanity pet as Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuits. Zoning or logging off will remove the buff from your pet.
All Pets In One Year
Interested in obtaining all ten Children's Week companions in one year? WoW Insider has a great tip on how! [source]
Because pets will be shared across all your characters in MoP, by using multiple characters and choosing a different Children's Week pet reward for each one, by the time MoP is released you will have all these companions ready to go and explore Pandaria with. Genius!
Keep in mind, though, that you will need to be level appropriate for the Northrend and Outlands quest chains. The Shattrath quest chain requires at least level 60, and the Dalaran quest chain requires at least level 70.
Fun For All
Collecting all the companions in one year might not be for everyone, but thankfully the Children's Week companions will still be available next year.
If you've collected all the companions or have a couple more you would like to add to your collection, there's something for everyone during Children's Week. This in-game event lasts for only seven days, so be sure to check it out.
Don't forget to update your collection with your newest addition. Happy collecting everyone!