Unfortunately, Cap'n Crackers doesn't get along with Crackers. If you already have either one on your shoulder, summoning the other will result in the one sitting on your shoulder to despawn. They don't like sharing their perch, it would seem.

Cap'n Crackers (pictured right) costs $10 (USD), and can be purchased from either the In-Game Shop or the online Blizzard Store.
We'll have this pet's profile added to the database as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
So ye goin' to take thee plunge and adopt this adorable pirate parrot? Yarr, Cap'n Crackers is ready to go on some epic adventures. If ye show him a good time, maybe he'll even make ye his first mate!
target him and /whistle and he sits on your shoulder. He will even stay there while you are on a ground mount. Did not test it with a flying mount
What happens if you target him and /whistle?
Grats to those who have him :)
Finally bliz update the error pet now flies to your shoulder when /whistle. it did not when first released, however i am glad it works as intended. very nice pet indeed
got one hes cool
pirate parrot Ω
Couldn't resist this cuteness. I adopted him today :)
Couldn't resist this cuteness. I adopted him today :)
Thats weird because in the blizzard post it mentions him sitting on your shoulder.
I am saddened. He can't fly when you're on your flying mount, and he doesn't sit on your shoulder when you whistle at him. I've seen him sit on the ground after awhile, but nothing else really.
Row 1: Alpha Strike, Flyby, Warning Squawk
Row 2: Flurry, Coin Toss, Feathered Frenzy
Anyone got stats and moveset?
Just bought him. He will land and sit on the ground if you're in one spot for a while. He's very cute!