To collect this pet, simply head over to Breanni's shop in Dalaran (Broken Isles, Legion) and speak with her. She'll have a quest, Pets Detective, that will send you on a short adventure in the uninstanced Eye of Azshara zone. The final quest involves a Pet Battle, so make sure you have a team of 3 ready!
For a full walk-through, check out Wowhead's Gurgl guide. Happy collecting and battling, everyone!
Last Quest: Anubisth Idol cleared the whole team with ease.
Ah the benefits of a dead server, pirates galore, I even dragged a few guildies along with me to get this baby. However after reading the lock-picking tip it took me all of 3 minutes to free the trapped pets so we abandoned killing pirates as it counted for my group too . I'm not sure if it's just timing or if he has a wicked sense of humour but later on in a Timewalking dungeon he decided to dance on top of a fellow players dead body much to our amusement :D
I did yesterday. There were many pirates in the area.
Just completed the questline on the Kilrogg server. The pirates are a slow(ish) spawn but not a nightmare by any means. I went to the northernmost island with the broken boat on it. 2 pirates spawn at the upper edge of the sand, 2 more at the bottom, and then one on the other side of the broken boat. The spawn timer is around 6-9 minutes but you can definitely get all your keys if you just stay there.
I gave up with my paladin on the pirates. Brought in my rogue jewelcrafter, did the first round of quests again, then lockpick skilled the cages. My main would still be waiting for pirates and key drops.
unless they hot fix it put out about an hour to do these pirates are slow to spawn