Whether you're looking for a Dragonkin to help complete the Dragons! portion of Family Familiar, or simply seeking a pet that's effective against most Flying opponents, this month's pet is an excellent contender. It's the Nether Faerie Dragon!
Collecting the Nether Faerie Dragon
The Nether Faerie Dragon is a wild pet that spawns in Dire Maul in Feralas. They appear in the surrounding area outside of the dungeon, not inside. Its base level is 11-12 and this pet can come in five different breeds.

Some methods for hunting down this translucent dragon include realm hopping, checking the area on characters on different servers/regions, or "forcing" spawns by clearing out other critters and wild pets that are not the Nether Faerie Dragon.
There are usually abundant Nether Faerie spawns in the Dire Maul area, but sometimes luck may not be on your side. While waiting for new spawns, it might be beneficial to clear out some regular mobs and creatures. Who knows? You might come across the Nether Faerie Dragon's cousin, the Sprite Darter Hatchling!
Battling with the Nether Faerie Dragon
The Nether Faerie Dragon is a versatile, if slightly fragile, battler. It deals damage in two different families. The most common moveset used includes Moonfire, a big Magic nuke with weather effect, and Arcane Blast, a scaling Magic attack. These two moves have decent synergy, and turn the Nether Faerie into a hardcore Flying killer.
Its other two offensive moves are both Flying, and both are subject to RNG. Slicing Wind uses a varying number of small hits. Cyclone is an object which may damage any of your opponents’ pets in each of the 5 turns it persists on the battlefield — but also, may not.

The last two moves are mostly defensive. The first, Evanescence, dodges for one turn. The second, Life Exchange (pictured above), is a bit more difficult to describe. It equalizes health between the Nether Faerie and its opponent. This can range from very effective to harmful, depending on how hurt that opponent is.
If you need a pet to defeat a Flying pest, the Nether Faerie Dragon is your best bet for the job.
Battling Discussion on the Nether Faerie Dragon
Pet of the Month is co-written by Liopleurodon, an experienced pet battler and long-time WoW player. She maintains her own Pet Battle blog and is a Pet Battle columnist on the fansite Blizzard Watch.
The Nether Faerie Dragon (and its 'normal' cousin, the Sprite Darter) is one of my favorite flying counters. Two of them can wipe out Veshaar, while boosting a level 1 pet. Plus, they're downright adorable!
This or the Sprite Darter Hatchling can solo a team of all flying pets and, played smartly, absolutely wreck most of them.