Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm CE Pet
Two new pets were datamined, one of them being the Collector's Edition pet for the upcoming Starcraft II expansion, Heart of the Swarm! [source]
- Baneling (Bind on account)
- Pandaren Water Spirit (Bind on Use)
It's unknown where the Pandaren Water Spirit will come from, however it's quite clear that the Zergling will soon have a friend to join forces with in WoW! Better watch out Grunty and Mini Thor.

Professions Updates
Many professions were updated with plans, recipes, and schematics related to pets! It's still unclear where these recipe will come from.
Cooking: If you're an in-game cook, be on the look out for the recipe that teaches how to create the Red War Fuel and Blue War fuel. Both the recipes and the created items are Bind on Pick Up and require a cooking skill of level 1 to learn.
Engineering: Speaking of the Warbot, there's good news for players who missed out on the promotion for this fuel guzzler. Engineers will have the honor of being able to craft the Warbot companion! A Bind on Pick Up schematic for this pet was discovered. The schematic requires an Engineering skill of level 450, and the created item is BoP as well.
Jewelcrafting: It was already speculated that Jewelcrafting would be the source for the Sapphire Cub and Jade Owl pets, and this has been confirmed in this beta patch. Both designs are Bind on Pick up, as are the crafted items. To learn how to create the cub and owl, you will need a JC skill level of 600.
Achievement Updates
Pet collecting achievements have been slightly adjusted, and the "Tamer" title is back! These achievements are account-wide. [source]
- Going to Need More Leashes (Collect 250 unique pets.) - Rewards Feral Vermling
- That's a Lot of Pet Food (Collect 400 unique pets.) - Rewards Venus
- Time to Open a Pet Store (Earn 400 pet battle achievement points.) - Rewards Jade Tentacle
- Taming Azeroth (Complete all of the Taming achievements listed below.) - Rewards the title: Tamer <Player Name>
New Pet Items
Is that wild Stunted Shardhorn of yours constantly stepping on your toes? Do gnomes flee in terror when you have your wild Clefthoof Runt out, for fear of being squished by this large companion? Developers have created a solution for you - Magical Mini-Treats!
In the same way that Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuits and Magical Pet Biscuits temporarily enlarge the size of the targeted companion, Magical Mini-Treats are fun snacks that will shrink a pet for as long as it remains by your side.
Is pet size not getting you down, but the lack of class for your prestigious Murky has you shaking your head? Well, don't fret. There's a new pet leash, the Exquisite Murloc Leash!
This leash is guaranteed to add some sophistication to even the most unruly looking of murloc companions. We're looking at you Murkablo!
Note: It's unclear if this leash is specifically just for murloc pets or if it can be used on any companion.