Companion Cube FAQ
The new Weighted Companion Cube has many of us in the pet collecting community excited. But how does one get this pet? The FAQ below explains it all.

Why isn't this pet listed in the WarcraftPets

Because it possesses "secret stealth mode".

What is "secret stealth mode"?

It's a secret.

But what does "secret stealth mode" do?

It prevents the Weighted Companion Cube from appearing in the WarcraftPets bestiary. Duh.

I'm not able to rate this pet. Why?

Because this pet is so cool that it gets an automatic 5-star rating.

What if I want to give it less than 5 stars?

Then there's something wrong with you.

I can't add it to my collection either. Why not?

You can only add it once you've collected it... and you'll never collect it.

Why can't I collect it?

Because you'll need the
[Promised Cake] in order to summon the pet and, well, the cake is a lie.

Huh? Seriously, I want to get this pet. How do I get it?

Seriously, the cake is a lie—this pet is impossible to obtain.

Impossible? Why?

We've been through this... cake... lie... remember?

I don't get it. Seriously, why can't I collect it?

Look at your calendar.

It's April 1, 2009. So what? Why can't I get this pet?

Because you fail to see the obvious.

Really, just tell me how to get this pet.


Come on...


I bet
Breanni sells this thing, right?

Breanni sells lots of things.

But does she sell the Weighted Companion Cube?

Not unless Blizzard is in on the joke too.

So this pet
DOES exist?!

If it does, it's news to us.

Seriously, how do I get it?

You don't. This is an April Fools' Day joke.

You don't understand... I love Portal... I
HAVE to have this pet! Can't you just tell me how to get it?

What part of "this is an April Fools' Day joke" did you not get?

You're not supposed to ask me questions. I'm the questioner here.

And a fine questioner, you are.

Ok, be that way. I'll go to another site to get the info.

Sure thing—we recommend
this site. Good luck!
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