3 Reasons to Pre-Order Landro's Lichling
Pre-order now through Tuesday using the button at left (or this link), and not only will you receive Landro's Lichling, but here are three more excellent reasons to order today:
- Amazing Loot Giveaway - Everyone who pre-orders will be eligible for a special loot giveaway. Prizes include:
How it works: After the 26th of April, WoWTCGLoot will randomly contact one purchaser who will have first pick of one of the above prizes. They'll continue to randomly select pre-order purchasers who will continue to choose one of the remaining loots. This will continue until all loots are claimed. - Orders Support WarcraftPets - What can be better than adding another easy-to-get pet to your collection? Helping your favorite pet collection website! A percentage of every pre-order helps support our site.
- Limited Supply - We have less than 400 codes available to collectors on a first-come, first-serve basis. Order today to secure your eligibility for the Loot Giveaway mentioned above. Plus you'll be able to redeem your Lichling the moment it becomes available in-game.

If you have any questions regarding the pre-sale or WoWTCGLoot's special giveaway, please contact WoWTCGLoot directly. Good luck!