One new pet was added to the recent Alpha build — the Pygmy Owl. [source]

Although only one pet was added to Alpha this time around, there are dozens of pets coming in the expansion. We look forward to collecting all of them!
All Legion Alpha datamined pets
Baby Deer Model
A new model was datamined in the recent Alpha patch, an adorable baby deer in six different colors (pictured below).

It's currently unknown if this will be a collectible pet, but we certainly hope so!
Do WoW developers not have Google Image Search? Can they not look up what colors a Pygmy Owl are? I love raptors, and when I first started collecting pets it was the owls in the game. (I had the original CE, but my Nelf always had her owl out!!) If the names were nonsense names, it wouldn't matter to me, but a Pygmy owl is a real thing! They can be grey backed, brown backed, but they're not "nearly all white with some brown edging". #Disappointed.
Cute little fawns with matching mount and hunter pet? I'LL TAKE TEN! *tosses money at screen*
That deer is lovely!
But I would give everything for real pygmy owl or baby owl... like lil cutie with big 'puppy eyes', and not just smaller model of normal owl :(
The eyes really creep me out.
And yet, I know I will still try to collect it.
Baby Deer....yes please!
O_O ZOMG, those deer....
I'd say they seem a prime candidate for replacing pets like Little Fawn, just like the new Rabbits are replacing the old ones. The 5th one even has the same "greenish" tint as Infected Fawn, although it's not nearly as creepy! :)
Those fawns! /dies from cuteness
OMG - I so want a baby deer. They are too cute