Simply head to your Manage Account page, and click on Enabled/Disabled for the Connected Realm option (will take a moment to reload the page to save your preference).
Disabling Connected Realms will mean other users will view your rank based on your specific server on your profile page. Your default view on the Realm Leaderboards will also show rankings based on a single server, however this can be temporarily changed by checking Show Connected Realms and selecting Go to reload the Realm Leaderboards page.
Thank you to all of our users for your patience and feedback on the Connected Realms feature!

Note that the addition of Connected Realms may affect your current realm rank, as it calculates ranks based on all players across all servers in the same group. This shift in ranks will be shown on both the Realm Leaderboards page as well as the Realm & Rank section on profile pages.
Connected Realms will not change the Top 500 Pet Collections or your Site Rank listed on your profile page.
This change is a work in progress, and we're open to making additional adjustments based on community feedback. A discussion thread can be found in our Suggestions Forum.
Thank you to Weena, our Lead Website Developer, for his ongoing work on WarcraftPets. We have a few more website updates planned for the near future, so stay tuned.
And thank you to our members for your continued support!

I think there is a bug in the coding of the realm position. I am apparently at #124 on my realm, but if I go look onto the leaderboard, I am actually at position #63. In fact #124 does not even exist! I have not connected the realms.
Not sure who I should contact to let them know about the bug.
Thank you for giving us the toggle feature, it's nice to know you listen to feedback and act on it, much appreciated.
ty! Ty! TY! Giving us the option is very much appreciated!!!
Please remove this feature. I went from #4 to #13. Way to kill one's motivation. Very disappointed in this site.
I went from #1 to #5 and the people ahead of me have pets that I will never be able to get :( I just don't have those kind of resources. It really sucks.
Continuing: I would much rather see an option to show my WarcraftPets registered User's stats against whatever Realm/Faction I chose. I have toons on 10 Realms but I mainly play two unconnected Realms, Horde on one and Alliance on the other (various on the other 8). I keep track of how I'm doing on these two Realms against Collectors of the same Factions. One is obviously Uldaman, the other is Blackwater Raiders. For BWR I have to figure out where I would stack up.
This idea SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care if we are connected or not.....I could care less about other realms and their leaderboards................................................. I compete on ALLERIA, not another server that I HAVE NO characters on
Adding my 2¢ worth: I personally care very, very little how I stack up against my sister connected realms' Collecters. In fact I don't even look at where I'm at in relation to the opposite Faction's Collectors. That's just me, what I choose to look at. I can certainly see where others might really like this new "more accurate" feature. You really, REALLY should have made it optional before you implemented it. Forcing everyone to view it this way was rather ham-handed. :)
Not too happy about this. I have been working hard to move myself up in the top 20s and all the sudden I'm 77 :( . In fact I had just reached 20 and was almost to 19th and was excited to almost been in the teens.
I feel like I am starting all over again. I wish there was a toggle button as others have been saying. Very frustrating.
@Gaijin You're right in that Wowprogress is technically more accurate because it shows ALL the pet collectors on a realm but they do actually include connected realms as well and have done for ages.
I don't think it matters anyway ... since tomorrow, or next month, it will all be more than just 2 "realms" and the total numbers will change. I do wish that they would change the nomination of the server/realm so that it has only one name ... I find it weird and strange, and the separation kinda boring. A friend of mine on Suramar gets phazed out 8 out of 10 times we play together within 5 minutes, and the distance more than 2 feet ... it's ridiculous!
Guys, if u want to see only your realm u can use the wowprogress.
I think it is a bit more accurate than warcraftpets, cause it shows your position comparared to all others characters in your realm not only the ones that subscribed here in warcraftpets.
Definitely not happy about this connected realm list. There are about a dozen people on my home realm, Scarlet Crusade, that are pretty hard core about pet collecting, myself included, and I was always happy to normally be in the top 10. I went from #9 to #22 overnight. Now, it's a fight to get back to where I was. Ugh.
Do not want. I'd like to be able to toggle it on and off at the very least.
Holy Crap!
I never liked the connected realms either.
Count me in the dislike column.
I have been on my realm faithfully for ten years.
It is special to me. I really don't care about seeing the other realm's scores.
Please make it an option to just see my own realm.
This is a great site that has done awesome things for pet collectors.
Let's keep it that way!!
Everyone hates connected realms in game and now this? Smh.
Undo it please.
I am Disappointed in the combined realm. I dont have most of the ultra rares, so me being in the top 10 was cool. now as others have said, less motivated to collect more.
I am not happy about this, I am an Eonar player, not really interested in the realms that blizzard foisted upon us, I think we should have the choice of seeing our own realm without the connected realms. I know you are saying it is a work in progress, it might have been an idea to ask people what they wanted before implementing what you want. Very disappointed.
While I was a little sad to drop down to #9 on my realm, I am happy that this was done as it is more acurate. I used to look at Scarlet Crusade seperately (my main is on Feathermoon), but it was hard switching back and forth to try to get an estimate of where I ranked on the connected realms.