The event has been extended, and is now scheduled to end Friday, March 22nd. Portals will also spawn every half hour instead of every hour.

From March 11th to
Portals will appear in set locations in Valdrakken, Stormwind, and Orgrimmar roughly every hour on the hour. Hearthstone-themed bosses will spawn that have a chance to drop Sarge among other fun items.
Sarge is Bind On Pickup and not cageable, so you don't want to miss out on this event. Happy 10 years, Hearthstone!
He doesn't appear to be BoP any longer. My husband was traded this pet by a guildie who got an extra one.
THe portals spawn every 30 minutes at this point (not sure when that began, rather than hourly). Duplicate Sarge items are definitely possible. In about 20 or so kills I have gotten five Sarge items. I have been able to trade away all but one (no takers on my dirst duplicate) to eligible players.
Came to the party a little late.. Do you got a chance at multiple loot a day on the same toon? I killed it a few times yesterday but just seemed to just get the hearthstone cards on subsequent kills.. Even tried on other toons.
Another hotfix was made to this event and the portals now spawn in all 3 locations every 30 minutes: at the top of the hour and at :30, so you'll have even more chances to loot Sarge if you haven't yet. Also, the event has been extended another 96 hours and will end on Friday, March 22nd. My advice is to set aside time this weekend or next week when you can play for a few hours and make the portals your priority as it seems Sarge and the other special items drop rates aren't super low
Took me three days but I finally got him.
Phew! This little guy showed up in my mailbox from the Postmaster. Could've sworn I'd looted every time, so who knows what happened! But thank goodness he isn't lost in the aether forever...
ETA: It seems like you now can get a 2nd Sarge drop even if you've already learned the pet -- luckily it's still tradeable to others who were eligible, so you can probably find it a home.
Yep, the portals spawn at all three locations every hour now so you can pick one and stay there. I'd say the drop rate for the pet is about 10% as I killed 11 before I got the pet
The portal is now ON the hour at all 3 locations simultaneously.
I believe that it is set up so that you do not get a duplicated item on your character so that we get a fair chance to get all the reward items, the First kill of the day is NOT limited to looting and you can loot on the same Character every event. Loot is random depending on what you already have and often you will just get a wildcard or nothing. Just make sure you tag Dr Boom before lag or his aoe kills you .
Park toons at the three locations if you have them.
Use the group finder to join a group off your server.
Do event
Drop Group
Do event at ur home
Group Finder check for a late spawning portal.
This should get you at least 3 bites of the apple each hour, sometimes 4.
I have found Valdraken to be the most efficient.
Mount was my first drop
A few were just green cards
Sarge came about the 15th event.
Happy rat hunting!
The portal appears at the top of the hour at one of three locations, Valdrakken, the north end of the Stormwind docks, or just SE of Orgrimmar on Durotar. All of the portal locations, despite their proximity to cities, are in unguarded zones, so either faction can do any of them. My route is to check Valdrakken first, then take the portal to Stormwind, then portal to Mount Hyjal and fly south to Durotar. The drops seem to be assured only on the first kill of the day