You bet it is!

There have been a lot of pet battle guides popping up this week after MoP was released. But we're confident that this one will blow you away! Our goal was to make it the most complete and useful guide on the web.
Our guide includes:
- Getting Started
- Pet Tracking and General Combat
- Healing Your Battle Pets
- Battle Pet Families and Abilities
- Capturing Wild Pets
- Battle Pet Quality
- Becoming a Master
- PVP Pet Battles
- Organizing Your Pet Collection
- Pet Battle Strategy, Tips, and Resources
And of course, all of this information is presented with the usual flair of our guides, including tips, FYIs, cautionary notes, and lots of charts and graphics.
Whether you're already comfortable with pet battles or still learning the ropes, our guide has something for you. We encourage you to take a look and share it with your friends!