Recently, we were given a special invitation by Blizzard to review some potential changes to battle pets in patch 6.2. It appears as though they're taking another page out of the Pokémon playbook — the ability for battle pets to "evolve" into larger, stronger variants.
Evolution game mechanics remain a mystery at this stage. However, we did have the chance to see what a handful of evolved battle pets will look like. We've pulled the in-game models and shared them here.
Evolution Previews
The first few evolutions are definitely cool, but nothing extraordinary. They're almost exactly what you'd expect — larger, more menacing versions of the original.

Pygmy Direhorn → Colossal Direhorn

Wild Golden Hatchling → Savage Golden Serpent

Syd the Squid → Leviathan Syd
Pretty neat, right? But then we started to see more, well... exotic pet evolutions.

Ancona Chicken → Chicken Boo

Speedy → Gamé-Rapid

Land Shark → Greater Land Shark

Bananas → Plátano Kong

Weebomination → Puftbomination
"This Mr. Puftbomination's okay! He's a sailor, he's in Stormwind... we get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble!" —Lord Peter Venkman
We can only imagine what sort of abilities Puftbomination might have. Toasted marshmallow, anyone?

Ya all got me good.
I know this was a joke and all, but I really wish all pets got some kind of graphical update. Right now many pets have really bad graphics. Just look at the frogs or marmots, they look terrible.
sigh, if only it could be true.
Oh crap, april's fool! I just saw the date of the post
I don't think this would be a good idea. It would be too much like pokemon and I really like how the pets are now. I like that they are cute and funny to look at instead of when they would evolve to more menacing versions.
Kinda a fun troll.
Pet Evolution will be live in patch 6.1.4 with the /pet command (not 6.2).
What did you *DO*, Ray ?
Great April's Fool joke :)
Puftbomination is going to be my desktop wallpaper!! Way to go! =D
I'd be happy if they'd get bigger as you level them. :)
Can I have a Fantastic Mr Fox pet that evolves into George Clooney? That would be cool!
Seeing as it's 1st of april.....BUT THATD BE COOL! give us Bpets evolutions blizz, and breeding in garrison, and SOON! :p
I adore this! <3
Love it love it love it! Wonderful!
You did it again!
OMG if only Puftbomination and "Candygram" were true! I love the Jaws reference with the barrels!
ohhhhh....SNAP! I totally fell for it. <giggling>
Oh please be real and not an April fools prank!