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Dragonflight Pre-Patch: New Achievements & Battlestone Changes

October 25, 2022
The Dragonflight Pre-Patch is live this week, and with it comes 4 new collecting achievements and a battlestone change. [source]

New Achievements & Rewards
There are four new pet collecting achievements.

2 Dragonflight pre-patch achievement pets

Avid collectors will be able to earn Crystalline Mini-Monster and Secretive Frogduck pets (pictured above) starting this week.

Although there are 4 new achievements, only 2 will be attainable in the pre-patch. The current total number of unique pets is 1522 (this includes no longer available and region/event-exclusive pets). A sizeable number will come with Dragonflight's launch, 100 pets, but we will still have a ways to go before reaching 1750 or even 2000.

We're working on adding all of the new critters to WarcraftPets, so stay tuned. Dragonflight is almost here!

Battlestone Change
The Dragonflight pre-patch is also bringing a quality of life upgrade: battlestones can be used on pets without having to summon them. [source]

Upgrade stones can now be applied to pets directly through the Pet Journal (was use upgrade stone on a summoned pet).

A very welcome change, especially with pet collection numbers that will eventually reach 2k.
Posted by Quintessence
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Rating: 0   [Report]

 Firstly, you guys have a great site! On to business . . .

Not really happy about paying to WATCH someone ELSE play (on Twitch) to get that cool pet.

 But that's not on you guys. I do, however, love how you stay on top of the WOW pet info. Our love and respect to you all!

Again, thanks for your hard work and I'm very excited for Dragonflight.

Nov 2, 2022 at 5:43am | Edits: 0 | Hellscream-us | Pets: 1750 Compare collections | Score: 13995
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