- Many More Mini Minions (1200 unique pets required, down from 1250)
- Proven Pet Parent (1400 unique pets required, down from 1500)
- What Can I Say? They Love Me. (1600 unique pets required, down from 1750)
Good Things Come in Small Packages(2k pet achievement removed) - pet reward:Mister Muskoxeles(pet removed)
These changes come after an Annie Fuchsia interview with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas. During the interview it was noted that achievements that are not yet obtainable shouldn't be included unless they can actually be earned by players.

- Crystalline Mini-Monster (pictured above, left)
- Secretive Frogduck (pictured above, right)
- Violet Violence (pictured right)
If Blizzard sticks to their philosophy of not adding unobtainable achievements, it could be some time before we see the 2k pet collecting achievement again. But we can't help but wonder if it will be updated and have a new reward. We'll have to wait and see.
Maybe this is why they were giving tcg pets and the *donate a sub* pet. I hope they bring back the ones i missed.
Hardcore collectors have reached 1600 already.
I'm far from hardcore, and I'm at 1517 at this time.
This explains why Wowhead Character planer looks diffrent now compare to earlier this week, do how will we obtain the final Royal pet for the achivement?
A fair number of hardcore collectors will reach 1,600 by the end of this expansion, even if they don't add more pets during Dragonflight, which seems unlikely.