Cory "Mumper" Stockton clarified on Twitter about the status of the Guardling companion:
"The Qiraji Guardling will be available in the summertime. Still a few months to go."
So when exactly can we expect to see the Guardling in Silithus?
Real-world summer starts in June in the northern hemisphere, however it's entirely possible for this wild pet to start spawning a month earlier. If this is the case, it would match up with the Snowy Owl, who made its first appearance one month prior to our real-world winter.
We will just have to wait and see!

Pets Not On the Fish Time-schedule
The speculation that these two pets would follow a similar (if not exact) pattern as the Summer Bass and Winter Squid doesn't seem to hold true, and now we have confirmation of this from Cory:
"Seasonal pets will follow the pre-existing seasons starting in patch 5.3. Note that the existing fish are available for spring/summer and fall/winter. The pets are available only in the Summer and Winter seasons so the dates are not the exact same." [source 1/2] [source 2/2]
So although the fish don't seem to mind the extra heat/cold, the Snowy Owl and Qiraji Guardling must have more particular tastes in seasons!