19 NEW Pets Added!
In addition to the 6 new pets we've added in the past two weeks, we've added a total of 19 more new companions that are available in Cataclysm!
Curious and ready to get your feet wet with some hardcore collecting? Information on where and how to obtain each of the new pets is included in their pet profiles. So be sure to check them out and don't forget to rate your fav's!

ยป New Pets in Cataclysm
It's Easier Than Ever to Manage Your Collection!
What's more exciting than 19 more new pets to snag? How about a completely revamped method of tracking your pet collection! Weena and Breanni have been hard at work redesigning the way you update and manage your collection here on WarcraftPets. With tabs to sort your wanted, collected and excluded checklists, it's easier than ever to update your collection... and just in time for Cataclysm!
As always, we welcome your feedback and hope you enjoy these changes.
Go, Go, Go!
Each companion is ready and just waiting to be added to your collection. So what are you waiting for? Dive right in!