Enchanting pets skill increased
Wowhead is now listing the Magic Lamp and Enchanted Lantern formulas as requiring an enchanting skill of 525 (up from 500). These recipes are also now rare in quality and have had the materials necessary to craft each pet updated. How they will be obtained is still unknown.
Engineering pets now bind on use
The De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion and Personal World Destroyer have been updated as well. Previously labeled as bind on pick up, they are now bind on use on the beta. This is subject to change come expansion release, so we'll just have to wait and see what Blizzard ultimately decides on. Whether you're for or against these pets as bind on use, they are absolutely lovely companions and would be wonderful new additions to your pet family.

Whelplings in Cataclysm
There will be many awesome new pets to hunt for in the expansion, but what about the older ones? Fear not, Blizzard has not forgotten them!
In response to an inquiry about the future of the whelpling pets in Cataclysm, Lylirra has stated on the official WoW forums:
"We're in the process of finding new homes for each of these whelps. While we've not settled on where just yet, it looks like we'll be able to keep them as non-combat companions.
This is subject to change, of course, but the house-hunting appears to be going well. (We'll keep you updated should our relocation plans change.)"
This is reassuring news, and we remain confident and hopeful that the whelplings will not be lost or disappear in the wake of Deathwing's temper tantrum on Azeroth.
New TCG companion?
Speaking of tantrums... our friends over at WoWTCGLoot have discovered a new loot card pet that will likely be found within the upcoming TCG expansion pack, Worldbreaker. It's Lil' XT's evil twin, Landro's Lil' XT! Or is Landro's version the good one?

As far as we can tell, Landro's Lil' XT has the same model (and possibly similar vocalizations and animations) to Lil' XT. The main difference is that the former will be available through the WoW TCG, while the latter is already available from the Blizzard PetStore. According to the item's flavor text, Landro's Lil' XT is intended to be "a near-perfect, Goblin-manufactured knockoff of the Wonderworks original," proving that Blizzard can poke fun at their own duplicate pets.
It looks like things are shaping up quite nicely as Cataclysm draws nearer. We'll continue to keep everyone updated with any other pet changes!