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Breanni Goes to BlizzCon

October 12, 2008
Breanni: Pet Supplies
UPDATE: BlizzCon 2008 has come and gone. My wife and I had a blast! I genuinely enjoyed meeting so many of you (I wore a shirt with the design at right). I was thrilled to shake so many hands, share so many hugs, and to chat about so many pets. I also enjoyed spreading word of to new folks who weren't aware of the site.

EXCLUSIVE pet news!
As the #1 vanity pet fansite, I did manage to get a small bit of news regarding one companion pet in particular. This is news you won't find anywhere else:

  • A Special Stinker - apparently the developers have something special in store for Stinker in a future patch. What exactly does that mean? My source didn't reveal any specifics yet, but I was assured it would be something cool, fun, and worthy of this new 50-pet achievement reward.

More news from BlizzCon
For those of you who may have missed it on other sites, I'll mention a few other tidbits that I'm most excited about:

  • Dual Specs - it looks as though at some point after Wrath is out, the developers intend to allow a character to maintain two different specs and to be able to swap between them almost as easily as a warrior changes stances.
  • Swimming Mounts - word comes that mounts will one day be able to swim, no longer dismounting players when crossing deep bodies of water.
  • Ride-along NPCs - a few new mounts in Northrend will allow for other players to ride along as passengers. But when you're riding solo, NPCs will take up the free spots, including a reagent vendor and possibly a repair vendor!

Until next time...
If you didn't get to go to BlizzCon this year, perhaps you'll have better luck next time around. I know I'll be looking forward to attending again (assuming I'm lucky enough to return). Let's hope you and I will have the chance to meet then!
Posted by Breanni
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