In addition to the preview image above, there's also mention of a name for this ax-wielding murloc.
We previously reported that an icon of the same name was recently datamined from the WoD Beta. Wowhead has found additional details linked to the "grommloc" icon, including a placeholder pet named BC01.
Although all signs seem to point to Grommloc as the pet reward for BlizzCon 2014 attendees and Virtual Ticket holders, the official BlizzCon website has not been updated with information on the contents of the goody bag yet. More details will likely be available in the near future.
With a weapon that big, we can't think of a better pet to safeguard all of the BlizzCon rewards and goodies!
I just love all the murlocs so always excited to add another to my collection
I think his Iron Horde armor is cute.
Though I'm with those of you who would like a plain little murlock. That would be great.
3 words: Murqueen of Blades. Imagine the possibilities.....
I'm with Drrum on this. For a while now I've been saying that Blizz should offer up another basic murloc. Too many off us just never had a chance at Murky, and since then there have been a few recolors but still nothing available to the bulk of subscribers. I'm okay with a recolor as Murky should keep his status, but toss us a bone with a green skinned murloc for the BlizzCon 10th anniversary or something.
Adorable! I couldn't be happier with this lil guy!
Seems like alot of negative comments on this little guy. I think he's really cute ^^ I'm looking forward to finding my "Morcloc" in my mail <3
Sure, I can always use another xpac-theme skinned murloc. But I would still reallly love to have a plain old nekkid murloc someday. No chunky armor. No oversized weapons. No xpac theme. I don't care what color, either. A color-changing murloc would be amazing, though!
I will probably get this so I will have at least one murloc pet, curse them for not having any murlocs obtainable in-game. :/
Double damage 317 power whirlwind... Sigh. At least not close to the sillyness of rightous inspiration. Also with comes with rather low health.
Obviously a must... But ugly...