Tis the Season
It's that time of year to spread some holiday cheer! Adopt a pet from the Blizzard Store for yourself, a friend, family member and fellow collector.
Now through January 6, 2019, the Blizzard Store is offering select pets and mounts at half price. The Battle For Azeroth Digital Deluxe, which awards Tottle, is also reduced in price by $20.
Whether adopting for yourself or someone else, these cuddly companions are sure to bring joy to all of your adventures on Azeroth!
Store Pets Retiring
Blizzard also announced that three store pets will be going into hibernation in the near future. These include Lil’ XT, Moonkin Hatchling (both Horde and Alliance version), and the Cenarion Hatchling.

These pets will be on sale through January 6, 2019, at which point they will be retired from the Blizzard Store and no longer available for the foreseeable future. (Note that Blizzard may choose to re-release them at a future unknown date.)
Don't miss out on these adorable pets! Share the love and appreciation of battle pets with fellow friends, family and collectors this holiday season. Don't forget to treat yourself too.

Exactly what I wanted to know, thank you!
Lil’ Ragnaros has always been fairly popular. Other fire pets replicate his functionality but he has the highest power of any pet.
Lil’ XT can be pretty useful in certain situations. Same with Lil’ KT and the Pandaren Monk.
The Blossoming Ancient is also good, but again it’s functionality is potentially replicated by other pets (though it might just be one — Broot — in this case)
Hope that’s helpful!
Are any of the holiday sale pets especially good for pet battles?