Blizzard also provided some clarification on Pet Charms and how they will be handled in the expansion. [source]
Achievement Updates
We previously noted some Pet Battle achievements coming in BFA. A few have been updated to include new rewards.

- Battle on Zandalar and Kul Tiras - Rewards a new toy, Laser Pointer
- Battle Safari - Rewards a new pet, Dreadtick Leecher
- How to Keep a Mummy (a Mythic Dungeon achievement) - Rewards Miimii
On top of this, a new achievement, Let's Bee Friends, awards an adorable bee pet, Bumbles! (pictured right)
New Pets
A handful of new pets was added in the recent Beta build, bringing the current total number of upcoming pets to 88! This might not be the final count, as hinted by Game Developer Jeremy Feasel (aka: @Muffinus) on Twitter.

The majority (pictured above, except Ragepeep, Scabby and Teeny Titan Orb) of these newest additions are drops from rare or elite spawns found during the Arathi Highlands Warfront.
- Aldrusian Sproutling
- Foulfeather
- Fozling
- Fuzzy Creepling
- Ragepeep
- Scabby
- Squawkling
- Teeny Titan Orb
- Voidwiggler
Check out over 80 Battle For Azeroth battle pets!
Two particular pets, Lil' Siege Tower and Lil' War Machine, are still Works In Progress, and their journal entry descriptions state "Placeholder". These appear to be faction oriented miniature turrets. Where do you think we'll find these pets in BFA?
New Toys
As mentioned above, completing the Battle on Zandalar and Kul Tiras achievement rewards a new toy. However, two more fun toys were added just for battle pets!
Both can be purchased for Polished Pet Charms from vendors located in Stormsong Valley and Zuldazar.
Pet Charm Clarification
Speaking of Pet Charms, Blizzard provided clarification on how the existing currency and new currency will be used in BFA.
- Pet Charms will be named Shiny Pet Charms. Shiny Pet Charms continue to be acquired by doing pre-BFA battle pet content.
- A new currency has been added -- Polished Pet Charms. These are acquired by doing BFA content, such as Pet Battle World Quests.
- Vendors that sell battle pet items that are always useful have had their wares changed to require new Polished Pet Charms as currency. For example, the vendor Serr’ah in Dalaran now wants the new Polished Pet Charms. Similar vendors who sell such items have had their costs adjusted as well.
- Vendors that sell things like unique pets or toys that have always required Shiny Pet Charms will still require Shiny Pet Charms. For example, Giada Goldleash in Dalaran will still sell all of her pets and toys for Shiny Pet Charms.
- The Pocket Pet Portal item, which was an achievement reward for completing 30 of the Pet Battle World Quests on the Broken Isles, will be added to a vendor with a Polished Pet Charm cost. This is to avoid players feeling obligated to farm previous expansion’s world quests. You can do current content to catch yourself up. This is coming in a future Beta build.
- Ultimate Battle-Training Stones are going to have their cost increased from 45 to 60 Pet Charms.

Players will still be able to use their existing Charms, but only on existing vendor pets and the Magic Pet Mirror and Narcissa's Mirror toys. (pictured above)

All other items, including battlestones, pet biscuits, and vanity items, sold by Lio the Lioness, Serr'ah and the new NPCs in BFA will require Polished Pet Charms. (pictured above)
There are currently no plans for a currency conversion. So if you have a large number of saved Pet Charms and were planning on stocking up on battlestones at any point in the future, it would be best to do so before the expansion's release.
Does anyone think the older purchasable pets will become more valuable? Like farming older pet stones will be harder than new ones?
I too am a bit worried about the ultimate battle training stones turning out to not work on any of the new pets. I'd love to stockpile them now, now that they cost 45 and not 65, but if they won't work, then I literally threw away all my currency.
Thus, is there any news on whether the ultimate battle training stones will work on the BfA pets?
Is the changeover for sure happening with 8.0? I don't want to get caught unawares if they roll it out with the prepatch and have my charm stockpile become worthless.
I am wondering if the new pets in Battle for Azeroth will say you can only use the stones bought with Polished charms to upgrade them. I am planning on buying alot of stones now, but only if I will still be able to use them in BfA.
what the new currency does is prevents you from using old charms to buy all of the stuff right out the gate... it doesn't make our stockpiled charms worthless. just turn them into battle stones before patch 8.0 and they'll serve you just fine... if anything, buying ultimate battle-training stones for 45 charms before the price increase can be seen as an advantage for those that stockpiled ahead of time.
i'd like to know how many of the new pets are/aren't rare so i know how many stones to get :)
I can see the value in a new currency, it would be like saying "Why do the dev's make us unlock new faction reps, why can't we just ask our current factions to come along. It's about offering reward for new content without being able to bypass it entirely, I know that a good chunk of us simply earned thousands of tokens in the end of this and last expansion, and we've been given plenty of warning that we won't be able to carry it over, allowing us to spend it before it becomes devalued.