Baby Winston Now In Pet Journal

Despite its addition to the Pet Journal, this baby ape is still unavailable and cannot be collected yet.
Players that purchased Overwatch Origins or the Collector's Edition will likely receive this pet closer to Overwatch's official release which is set for summer of 2016.
WoD Digital Deluxe To Be Retired Soon

If you're looking to collect the Dread Hatchling, fear not! You may still have a chance in the near future.
According to a blue post, a limited time sale will be held at a future date prior to Legion's pre-expansion patch.
It's currently unclear if the sale will include the full Digital Deluxe, or if the associated bonus in-game pet and mount will be stand-alone items.
"With the Warlords of Draenor Digital Deluxe retiring, we know there are many who would still like to be able to get their hands on the digital items that came with purchasing it. To address this desire, we will be making these items available for purchase at some point in the future. These will then be available for purchase until the pre-patch for the new Legion expansion. Please note, the option to purchase these items is limited to those who already have a Warlords of Draenor license attached to their account."
Be on the look out for any future announcements and keep an eye on the Blizzard store. You don't want miss out on your final chance to collect the Dread Hatchling!
Someone know if will be possible to upgrade some set to digital deluxe version soon?
I know now it's possible to acquire all Starcraft2 digital deluxe with 99.99 $ but I need only wings of liberty.
I miss also vanilla, TBC, lich king, cataclysm and pandaria.
@Kobh I would love that as well! You should go to the forums, Twitter and Facebook and make that suggestion! I think there are many collectors who would make those purchases.
they did it with starcraft 2 complete you can get the pets with the digital upgrade why not wow digital upgrades for pets and or mounts.
It would be awesome if/when they do it if they had all the other digital extras from all the expacs and vanilla to buy. For people like me that came to WoW back in BC and did not start buying the CEs until LK I'd love to be able to snag the digital extras for vanilla and BC.