Summer begins this month and what better way to enjoy the warm weather than to head to the beach with a friendly flying buddy? Just keep in mind the rule of thumb from the Eye of Azshara dungeon...don't make this bird angry. This month we're covering the Albatross Chick!
Collecting the Albatross Chick

These birds can sometimes be quite difficult to find, especially ones that can be captured. Some spawn areas for this pet have uneven ground, making it even more troublesome to collect one of your own. Just move to different locations and keep trying to engage in battle with it.
One method for finding a battle-able Albatross Chick is to kill normal critters (including non-interactable Albatross Chicks) in the area. This may cause a new chick to spawn with green paw print over its head, ready to battle.
The Albatross Chick is an excellent summer-themed pet to have accompanying you on your adventures this season. Stay on its good side though — no one wants an angry seagull!
Battling with the Albatross Chick
The Albatross Chick is a no-frills damage dealing powerhouse perfect to add to your stable for summer.
Its two main damage abilities, Thrash and Slicing Wind (example pictured below), provide solid multi-hitting damage, though both are subject to RNG. Thrash will add an extra hit, provided your Albatross is faster than its opponent. It has an ability in the second slot to help with that.

Adrenaline Rush gives your Albatross Chick a burst of speed for three rounds, a very useful companion with Thrash. If you’re into the three round buffs, Hawk Eye will buff your pet’s crit chance for that long, and both provide a 75% boost.
Hawk Eye’s boost is especially powerful when paired with the relatively large hit, like at the end of Lift-Off. Unfortunately, they share the third slot. Lift-Off tends to find more use as an avoidance move than a dps move, too.
Last, the odd man out here is Cyclone. Cyclone is also rather RNG dependent, but gives the chance to damage the back row in addition to the front-line pet.
Though the damage it gives can be a bit subject to RNG, the Albatross Chick is a solid — and loud — flying pet.
Battling Discussion on the Albatross Chick
Pet of the Month is co-written by Liopleurodon, an experienced pet battler and long-time WoW player. She maintains her own Pet Battle blog and is a Pet Battle columnist on the fansite Blizzard Watch.
Looks like a good damager, especially P/B. I love birds against water pets but I want one that regens itself; is the Teroclaw Hatchling the best? I used to use Pterrordax Hatchling but I think I've found a new champion!