Today is our birthday and we're celebrating our 5th anniversary! Exactly five years ago today WarcraftPets was launched.
For nearly half a decade, you've helped support us to make us the best site around for everything related to WoW vanity pets. We can't thank you enough.
So even though it's our birthday, we want YOU to enjoy some gifts!
Free Loot Giveaway!
To show you our thanks, we'll be giving away dozens of TCG loots all weekend long! Loot will be given out through a mix of trivia and random selection to those who follow our social feeds.
To participate, simply follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. Then keep an eye on our feeds through the afternoon hours today, Saturday and Sunday.
Doobjanka will be giving away loots on Twitter today, on Facebook tomorrow and on both sites Sunday. To be eligible to receive a loot prize, you'll need to provide your WarcraftPets username.
Year in Review
Since our last birthday, WarcraftPets has enjoyed a variety of milestones and new features:
- The addition of more than 30 new companions added to our database
- The launch of our official Facebook Fan Page
- Our 2011 BlizzCon Meet and Greet
- An entirely new back-end for our site, greatly improving performance and speed
- The addition of community forums (one of our most requested features)
- Several other new features, including Armory Import and the ability to easily compare collections
- Our rock-paper-scissors Pet Battles Mini-Game
- More than 15,000 new user accounts, bringing our total users to over 60,000
- And just this week, our most colorful April Fools' prank yet!
It's your continued support that keeps us evolving and growing. If you haven't done so yet, join the ranks of our site MVPs and GO GREEN!
To each and every one of you: Happy Collecting!