- Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji
- Bind on Pick Up, not cageable - Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon
- Bind on Pick Up, not cageable - Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen
- Bind on Pick Up, not cageable - Zao, Calfling of Niuzao
- Bind on Pick Up, not cageable
Players will be able to purchase one of each celestial aspect from a "Tournament of Celestials" vendor, but it's unknown how much each pet will cost and what currency players will need to use.
There are two possible currencies: Celestial Coins or Timeless Coins. The Celestial Coins can be earned by completing the weekly quest, The Celestial Tournament.
Battling In the Tournament
Based on the achievement, Master of the Masters, players will be facing at least 13 different trainers at the tournament, but it's possible that there may be more.
Will players have to battle each one on a daily basis? Or will the trainers be on a daily or weekly rotation? Hopefully we'll find out once the tournament opens up for testing on the PTR!
Every trainer needs a solid team of three, right? Many new NPC pets were added in a recent PTR update, and there's some speculation over which pets will be assigned to which trainer. Some interesting names have popped up, including Socks (originally from the quest SI:7 Report: Fire From the Sky), and an elemental pet named Au that has gold-imbued attacks. How clever!
In addition to the Celestial Tournament, there appears to be a Celestial Tournament scenario, but it's unclear if the tournament and the scenario are two separate events or one in the same.
Testing for the events and zone is currently closed on the PTR, but once it opens up, we'll be sure to have all the latest updates. Stay tuned!