Earlier this week a new PTR build was released, and six new pets were added to the game. [source]
- Bonkers - From the Timeless Isle, Bind on Pick Up and not cageable
- Gu'chi Swarmling - Drop from the Timeless Isle, Bind on Pick Up and cageable
- Harmonious Porcupette - From a vendor on the Timeless Isle, Bind on Pick Up and cageable
- Jadefire Spirit - Drop from the Timeless Isle, Bind on Pick Up and cageable
- Rotten Little Helper - From Winter Veil event, Bind on Equip and cageable
- Vengeful Porcupette - From vendor on the Timeless Isle, Bind on Pick Up and cageable
With the addition of these
Curious about where to find all these awesome new pets?
View all 5.4 datamined pets