17 New Pets
In the latest PTR build, 17 new pet summoning spells were datamined! [source]
Some notable pets include the Skunky Alemental which might be similar to the Brew Alementals found inside Stormstout Brewery, and we can only wonder what a Gooey Sha-ling will look like! Kovi-Wovi is taught from the item Kovok, which shares the same name as the giant Klaxxi NPC found in the Dread Wastes. This might be our first Klaxxi companion!
- Ashleaft Spriteling
- Ashwing Moth*
- Azure Crane Chick
- Blackfuse Bombling
- Bloodcove Droplet
- Dandelion Frolicker
- Death Adder Hatchling
- Droplet of Y'Shaarj
- Flamering Moth*
- Gooey Sha-ling
- Jademist Dancer
- Kovi-Wovi
- Ominous Flame
- Skunky Alemental
- Skywisp Moth*
- Spineclaw Crab
- Young Gulp Frog
All but three (as indicated with an asterisk) of the pets listed are Bind on Pick Up, however it's still unknown how players will be able to obtain each one. It's also unclear if these pets will be cageable. We'll have to wait and see!
Datamined Pets Galore!
With these 17 latest additions, there is now a total of 26 datamined pets for patch 5.4. Keep in mind that although they have appeared in the PTR game files, this does not guarantee that they will be released in 5.4 or even ever.
That won't stop us from hoping and oogling over the possibilities, though! Take a look at a list of all the possible pets coming in 5.4.
View all 5.4 datamined pets