The patch notes for the 5.3 PTR were updated recently to include a change to the Tiny Carp companions. [source]
Tiny Blue Carp, Tiny Green Carp, Tiny Red Carp, and Tiny White Carp are now tradable, and can be caught more than once.
This is great news for players who are unable to fish up the carp pets themselves. So anglers and collectors be sure to save any extra Tiny Carps you may have fished up. Who knows how much they will be worth in 5.3!
Unborn Val'kyr Spawning Clarification
It's still a mystery what triggers the spawning of the Unborn Val'kyr (coming in Patch 5.3), but one thing is for certain - players will not be able to force these haunted angels to spawn, as confirmed by Mumper on Twitter. [source]
"Players have no effect other than capturing or killing what they find."
Looks like we'll have to continue brainstorming what type of server conditions are required to spawn this elusive wild pet. If you happen to spot one, be sure to take note of environmental details. Hopefully by comparing notes, we'll figure out the mystery behind the Unborn Val'kyr!