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5.3 PTR: Spectate Battles, Hit Chance & Beasts of Fable

April 02, 2013
We've already covered the new wild pet, achievements, and Burning Crusade raid dropped pets coming in 5.3, but now there's more!

Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.3 PTR
The patch notes for the 5.3 PTR was recently updated. [source]

Here's a summary of all the updates and changes.

  • You can duel (pet battles) with your raid and party members in dungeons and raids.
  • Wild battles and duels can be viewed by everyone, not just the participants.
  • There are updates to hit and miss/dodge chances. The base chance to miss or be dodged has been removed in battles between pets of the same level. Additionally, the chance to miss when fighting a higher-level opponent was reduced.
  • The in-game statistics window will now track your max-level matchmaking PVP wins.
  • The Pet Journal will save your choice of abilities for each pet when you swap them out of your active pet team.
  • Family-specific battle-stones are now BoA.
  • The Beasts of Fable daily quest has been broken up into three parts. You can complete any or all of them, and receive up to 3 daily bags per day. Additionally, these dailies will also reward a new consumable that boosts your pet's experience gain for a period of time.

You can check out the full official patch notes here.

The PTR is coming along, it's a wonder what other interesting features they will come up with next!
Posted by Quintessence
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